Avallain Author version 4.4 – new features to improve learners’ revision, support content creators, and more

For over 15 years, Avallain Author has been one of the world’s premiere authoring tools for digital educational media – thanks in large part to continuous upgrades based on the direct feedback we receive from our customers.

As Max Bondi, Product Manager of Avallain Author puts it:

By listening to our customers, we are able to offer them the technology and functionality they need to turn digital education into the most effective, individualised and exciting learning experience their user base could possibly engage in.

To this end, Avallain Author version 4.4 offers four all-new features, further increasing our customers’ options when creating learning materials.

Randomised Learning Objects

To ensure proper learning success, it is important to help learners fully understand tasks and find correct solutions instead of simply recognising patterns in successive tasks. Thus, Avallain Author version 4.4 offers the ability to randomise the order of individual Learning Activities within Learning Objects. This is particularly useful during revision, preventing learners from consciously or subconsciously following patterns to solve tasks, while also providing for an engaging and fresh learning experience every time.

Solution view

Avallain Author version 4.4 now gives the option to let end users toggle between book pages and corresponding solutions pages. This is particularly useful when used within a classroom environment. In conjunction with smartboards or individual digital workstations, it improves classroom management, allowing teachers to give immediate feedback to learner input by quickly switching between task and solutions pages.

Solution hotspot

When revising individually, learners do not need the solutions to an entire book page all at once – sometimes, all they need to succeed is a nudge in the right direction. Thus, we have also implemented a new type of hotspot which can be used in digital books to reveal solutions gradually. This gives learners the option to gain just enough information to be able to prevent stagnation and finish the rest of the Learning Activity by themselves.

Our customers now have the ability to store custom copyright information against assets in the media library. End users can then be given the option of displaying this information by clicking a button, enabling content creators to use legally acquired media from a variety of sources without fear of copyright issues. This allows them to significantly increase the variety of media within their media libraries without incurring the additional costs of producing media content themselves. Also, since this functionality is integrated seamlessly into Learning Activities, it does not interfere with the actual learning experience in any way.

And that’s not all

We will continue to listen, and to add new functionality to Avallain Author according to the wishes of our customers – in fact, the next update is less than 12 weeks away. Until then, we are eager to see how our customers will implement the new features introduced in Avallain Author version 4.4 to make their users’ learning experience as exciting and effective as it should be.

Implementing LehrplanPLUS curriculum in secondary schools in Bavaria – Cornelsen and Avallain cooperate successfully

The Bavarian school system is set to shift from its 8-year advanced secondary school model back to a 9-year model by September 2018. The state will also introduce a new curriculum, LehrplanPLUS, which had already been introduced in primary schools in 2014 and will be implemented in secondary education institutions starting Summer 2017.

Notably, this curriculum has been adapted to fit the needs of the modern digital world. To meet these new requirements, Cornelsen – one of the leading publishers of educational media in the German-speaking world for over 70 years – trusts in Avallain Author.

The focus of LehrplanPLUS

One important goal of the new curriculum is to implement the most recent educational guidelines set forth by the assembly of ministers of education of the German federal states. The changes to both Bavaria’s educational mandate and the goals of the curriculum are heavily focused on modernisation:

  • Supporting individual learning in heterogeneous classes
  • Imparting both knowledge and skills
  • Providing media education

LehrplanPLUS acknowledges that modern learning groups are composed of students whose performance, personal interests and needs may differ significantly. Thus, one stated goal of the new curriculum is to provide individualised education to all students in a diverse learning environment.

The education that students will receive focuses on imparting knowledge as well as skills – Students are expected to not only learn facts but to develop disciplinary and cross-disciplinary abilities as well. For example, they should not only learn when the Battle of Waterloo took place, but also gain the competence to independently research and assess the reliability of such information.

Notably, LehrplanPLUS defines media know-how as a cross-disciplinary skill. Thus, engaging with digital media is considered a skill which can not only be used as the subject of entire classes but one which can also be taught by actively using digital media in school. The Bavarian education ministry has created an incentive to use digital learning materials as an integral part of school education.

Ready for LehrplanPLUS with Avallain Author

A call for teaching materials that relevantly use digital media, imparting both knowledge and digital media skills – at the same time and in a fully individualised manner? For Cornelsen, satisfying all of these requirements as soon as LehrplanPLUS comes in effect is no problem at all.

After all, they are using Avallain Author. Cornelsen’s interactive learning tasks are already up to the challenge as, thanks to the powerful authoring tool, learners have the choice of accessing the tasks either via Scook or through the respective apps and CDs.

With the reform of the Bavarian school curriculum, it has become evident once again that planning for the future pays off”, knows Sandra Hestermann, Senior Product Manager at Cornelsen.

We have started cooperating with Avallain early on to be able to offer digital learning tasks as soon as needed – tasks which are not only easy to integrate into Scook but are also didactically valuable and simply fun for the students”, she says.

As a learning platform designed to be used alongside course materials, Scook offers interactive learning tasks designed using Avallain Author to function as digital additions to printed Cornelsen schoolbooks. The result is well worth viewing (Video), as the numerous features of the program fulfil all requirements of LehrplanPLUS.

Supporting students individually

Avallain Author allows Cornelsen to create learning activities which are perfectly adapted to the abilities and needs of students. Thus, Scook can provide its tasks with multiple degrees of difficulty to choose from, according to student performance. Individual feedback and assistance features are also integral to Avallain Author, allowing students in heterogeneous class environments support on an individual basis.

Imparting knowledge and skills

With Avallain Author, Cornelsen has access to a powerful tool which allows them to take full advantage of the possibilities of digital education. The program not only allows the creation of all-new types of tasks, but it also offers more than 100 standard activity types that can be combined into endlessly varied complex tasks. Thus, Scook can merge Drag-and-Drop, Multiple-Choice and interactive speech elements into sophisticated chains of learning activities. This not only allows Scook to impart knowledge and skills – but the entire learning process is also more exciting for the students.

Training digital media skills

Avallain Author follows an object-oriented approach, which means that learning content is independent of its technological realisation. This gives Cornelsen the freedom to update the technology behind Scook at any time without having to edit the learning content as well. For students, the object-based approach means that they can work on their interactive learning tasks on various devices, from desktop computers to smartphones, experiencing a variety of digital media in a safe environment.

Cornelsen and Avallain – ready for the future

With its focus on digital education, LehrplanPLUS brings the Bavarian educational system up to date. Publishers who have not invested in the digital sphere early now need to put in a lot of effort or risk being left behind by technological progress. Cornelsen, however, can look forward to the future, as Avallain Author is continually being developed further using highly advanced and sophisticated technologies.

Avallain and the environment – What connects e-learning with a forest in Spain?

An old saying claims a healthy mind needs a healthy body. But, in turn, a healthy mind and a healthy body both need a healthy environment to develop in. Thus, protecting our environment has been a central part of Avallain’s DNA ever since the company was founded in 2002. We offer our customers carbon-neutral e-learning solutions which not only train minds but also minimise the CO2 emissions of entire learning courses as well.

In addition to providing sustainable education for people in need via the charitable Avallain Foundation, established in 2016, we will also commit ourselves more actively to projects focused entirely on environmental protection in the future. For example, we are currently helping specialists of the People for Cause foundation with their ReTree Initiative, planting a new forest area in the barren steppes of Spain.

Avallain supports the Spanish forests

The project in Spain ties into an almost 10-year-old Avallain tradition. In 2008, we helped the NGO Trees for the Future to plant 25’000 trees in Keroka, Kenya, celebrating the 250’000th learner that was educated using e-learning systems developed with our technology (today, they number in the millions).

In celebration of our 15-year anniversary, we want to set another example. Reforestation projects are vital in this part of southern Europe. While the ancient Greek geographer Strabon once wrote that a squirrel could “hop through the trees from the Pyrenees to Gibraltar without touching the ground”, deforestation has turned much of the country into steppes largely dominated by soil degradation. The Iberian Peninsula of today is suffering from frequent droughts and forest fires. In many areas, the ground is no longer protected against erosion by strong roots, and the once-fertile soil is gradually turning to dust or karst. For us humans, this means a steady decrease in agricultural usability – for Strabon’s squirrel and the Spanish wildlife, it might mean extinction.

With this new Avallain initiative, we are working to counteract this process. Of course, we also realise that small individual forested areas are not a viable long-term solution to the problem. Thus, we are planning to extend our efforts to other countries very soon as well.

Our success in this task is also the success of our customers, whose trust in our work allows us to engage in such projects in the first place.

Avallain works sustainably every step of the way

Our customers appreciate our innovative spirit, our reliability and our experience – as manifested both in our products Avallain Author and Avallain Unity, as well as in the e-learning systems created with them. Such systems are fully sustainable, protecting the environment at all stages, from the initial design process to maintenance and most importantly, the active use by learners.

Digital education is more environmentally friendly by its very nature

It may sound counter-intuitive, but e-learning constitutes a more environmentally sustainable alternative to analogue learning models such as brick and mortar learning groups. Though the digital infrastructure needed for e-learning tools does require energy – as well as digital devices which need to be produced and will be turned to waste eventually – neither the energy usage nor the CO2 emissions generated by e-learning approaches are even close to those of analogue learning methods.

According to a 2008 Open University study which focused on 13 fixed-location university courses and 7 online courses, e-learning courses require 87 % less energy than analogue courses, while emitting 85 % less CO2. The tangible benefits of e-learning are known throughout the industry:

  • It eliminates carbon emissions created by each learner’s commute.
  • It does not require heated and powered course premises or individual workstations.
  • It minimises the use of printer cartridges and paper.
  • It eliminates the need for non-recyclable utensils such as marker pens.

Thus, our customers can minimise the environmental impact of each learner enrolled in a course. Eliminating the CO2 emissions from commuting alone is enough to make many e-learning courses almost entirely carbon-neutral.

Sustainability in Avallain’s operating procedures

Of course, these principles work not only to minimise the CO2 emissions of individual learners – but they can also be applied to the working environment. As a staunch advocate of Remote Company structures, Avallain has been following this strategy for years, offering a large degree of home office flexibility to our workforce. Thus, we can avoid long daily commutes, minimising our CO2 footprint in the process. A Carbon Trust analysis suggests that, given average commuting distances, this saves approximately 260 kg of CO2 equivalent per worker each year.

Green business experts note that these carbon savings already apply to commuters travelling more than 7 km by car, 11 km by bus or 25 km by train. To an international company like us, this only serves to support our approach. Being a Remote Company allows us to offer our customers software solutions developed by a tight network of international specialists – without incurring the costs in CO2 which this might otherwise entail.

Limiting CO2 emissions with sophisticated technology

Not just our operating procedures are chosen on the basis of environmental questions – our technologies are, as well. Server systems, in particular, can have an enormous impact on the environment.

We recognised the potential of Cloud-based server structures early on, consequently taking on the responsibility to push for sustainable server use strategies with professional Cloud server providers. Today, providers such as Amazon Web Services are continually improving their technological solutions to operate their Cloud-servers as energy-efficient and as close to carbon-neutral as possible, devising strategies such as:

  • Using renewable energy as a power source
  • Employing energy-efficient cooling systems
  • Optimising energy usage according to workload

Put together, such strategies allow Cloud systems to significantly reduce the number of servers used when compared to on-site servers. This also minimises the energy usage of Cloud systems by as much as 84 % compared to on-site servers. Thanks to our good business connections to Amazon, we are able to use CO2-neutral Cloud systems for 80 % of all Avallain services thus far – without increasing the price for our customers, as we compensate the additional costs.

The education of the future is carbon-neutral

What does all of this mean to the users of learning software based on Avallain Author and Avallain Unity? It means that they can not only improve their individual learning success thanks to innovative, technologically mature and reliable software – they can also do so while supporting a sustainable and future-proof approach to treating the environment.

Because this is what ultimately connects Avallain solutions with our Spanish forest: They both provide the roots on which future generations may tread.