6 Ways Companies Use Online Employee Training Software

Corporate training is more important now than ever. In today’s dynamic working environment, processes such as onboarding, upskilling, corporate compliance, and professional development can be highly optimised by implementing online employee training software. Here’s how.

Online employee training software enables organisations to train and share knowledge with their teams online. A solution specifically designed for the needs of the corporate sector, it makes it easy to build, deliver, and track training efforts through an all-in-one online platform.

In today’s highly remote work environment, this type of solution matters. Online training is independent of location, time, and schedules, which means an unlimited number of employees can be trained at once across different time zones at the click of a few buttons. It’s cost-effective for your business—saving you from travelling and training staff costs—while automating training in a consistent manner across your entire organisation.

The best online employee training software offers interactive training and personalised training paths for employees, boosting engagement and retention—and faster, clearer, and more manageable data on performance and outcomes for organisation leaders.

To see these benefits in action, let’s take a look at how corporates are using employee training software.

6 Ways Companies Use Online Employee Training Software

Online training software serves many purposes. There are solutions available that are suitable for the specific training requirements of the corporate sector.

Different companies across different industries will have their own reason (or reasons) for implementing online employee training software. Here are some of those purposes.

1. Onboarding

Companies use online training software to onboard new employees, ensuring a consistent and seamless transition for any new hire. It helps organisations deliver all pertinent information to newcomers and, at the same time, an acceptable level of understanding and learning about the company, specific processes and tasks related to each accountability, depending on the role of the new hire. Online training software prepares them for immediate success and allows new hires to show up on their first day with a firm grasp on the job and company policies.

 2. Continuous Professional Development

 Companies also use this type of solution after the initial onboarding process to continuously improve their employees.

With the support of online employee training software, companies of any size can upskill employees with no limitations of headcount or skills and easily, accurately, and efficiently train employees on specific areas of interest.

 3. Compliance

Other organisations—namely those in tightly regulated industries like finance and healthcare — rely on online training to ensure compliance on a global scale on topics relevant to their business. Global compliance standards are vital for these industries and easily achievable with online training.  

Regardless of industry, though, most organisations need to care about meeting IT security, work safety, legal, and ISO standards. With accurate data about employees’ performance, organisations can easily identify areas of improvement and quickly assure standardisation and compliance across all branches.

4. Corporate Culture

With an ever-increasing competitive hiring landscape, companies need to work on their corporate culture and level of engagement to attract and retain the best talent in the market.

That’s why more and more companies implement online employee training software, which enables trending benefits such as remote work and personal development.

Above all, companies can reinforce company values and other items that are essential to the corporate culture. Doing so maintains a strong company culture and keeps your employees engaged, dedicated to their work, and aware of their important role in the company.

5. Employee Certification

Since online training software allows companies to train an unlimited number of employees in topics and skills according to their needs, companies use it to speed up the process of employee certification.

This is especially beneficial to organisations that are part of industries where certifications are equal to compliance, or when potential clients base their final decision on the possibility of working with certified professionals.

6. React to Changes

Now more than ever, companies need to be able to react quickly and accurately to rapid changes. An online training platform allows you to quickly create modules or courses related to the latest industry changes.

Whether it’s new hygiene regulations as a part of COVID-19 or new data privacy regulations, training software provides your company with the flexibility to respond to changes in a timely and consistent manner.  

Online Employee Training Software: 6 Essential Features

It’s clear that online employee training software plays an important role for a number of corporate purposes. But to have the benefits described above, you need a suitable and efficient solution that includes at least the following features: 

  • Dedicated Roles: Companies need the power to divide users by roles, such as learner and trainer. This ensures their interaction with the platform is coherent with the company’s and the user’s objectives and hierarchies.
  • Multimedia Content: The use of videos, audio files, images, PDFs, PPT presentations, eBooks, and more is essential for organisations to deliver training that works and keeps your employees engaged.
  • Performance Tracking and Reports: To know what works and what doesn’t, companies need a high level of detail and accessibility on the performance of learning programs. Training software should easily and clearly keep track of metrics like content usage, employees’ learning process, and performance.
  • Secured Access and Storage: Considering how sensitive corporate information can be, the training solution must be secure. Your learning software should offer privacy and protection against any type of threat, including the ones that might even be in the office.
  • White Label: Branding is a very important element of organisations. As such, learning software should offer white label capabilities, allowing corporations to customise their dashboards with the intention of creating a personalised experience for their employees. This allows employees to fully interact and connect with the brand and the company’s identity.
  • Bespoke Content:  It’s vital to be able to create bespoke and engaging training content in order to ensure inspiring and effective learning experiences tailored to the individual company.


With the right solution, online employee training software can help your organisation in a number of areas. Overall, it helps you reach all your training and business goals by making sure your employees are certified, compliant, knowledgeable, and in touch with your organisation’s culture and values.

Avallain Magnet, combined with Avallain Author, offers all the features you need to create custom content, deliver and manage top-notch digital training experiences, and fulfill the training purposes outlined above. Packed in a fully functional suite with no additional setup costs and no risks of lack of compatibility (two common issues many corporates face when implementing training software), Avallain ensures the best outcome for a corporate digital learning strategy.

Ready to meet and surpass all corporate training requirements? Avallain can help. Contact us today tell us about your needs.

eLearning Authoring Software: 4 Reasons Instructional Designers Love It

eLearning authoring software is helping publishers, universities and corporations produce online courses and training programs at an unprecedented rate. In this post, we break down the top 4 reasons why.

eLearning authoring software is a creative tool used by instructional designers to create and deliver high-quality eLearning content.

There are two general types of authoring software:

  • Standalone software that offers advanced authoring capabilities. Standalone authoring tools also have publishing functionality, but they need a destination to deliver the content (learning platform, website, mobile or web application, etc). Standalone software can fully integrate with a learning management system as an all-in-one solution. 
  • Prebuilt authoring tools with limited authoring and publishing capabilities, included in learning management systems or all-in-one solutions.

In this blog, we’re focusing more on standalone eLearning authoring software.

While each type has unique specialisations, having dedicated authoring tools for creating learning content offers a number of benefits for publishers, univeirsities and businesses.

Reason #1: Better Learning Outcomes

The main benefit of eLearning authoring software is how easy it makes the process of creating customised learning content. Using advanced features and multimedia functionality, course designers can rapidly create more engaging and interactive content. And that can have a profound impact on learning outcomes.

In online courses, interactivity is defined as requiring students to engage with content through different senses, tools or actions. Courses with higher levels of interactivity tend to provide greater learning outcomes. 

For example, an exercise requiring students to read a passage, listen to audio and complete a question uses multiple touchpoints to reinforce a concept, producing a better learning result.

Reason #2: Content and Asset Management 

To create better learning outcomes with more engaging and interactive content, you need more than just a way to create said content. You need a way to manage it all in one place. This is where online authoring tools excel. 

eLearning authoring software provides full flexibility and overview of your assets when it comes to storing and structuring your content. This is helpful because you will likely reuse the same content for different learning products in order to stay as efficient as possible and get the most out of each created piece of content. 

Another component of content and asset management is version visibility. This allows you to identify which piece is the latest version so you can quickly update content or even restore an older version as needed. This also provides full control over all your media and other assets. You know exactly when it was uploaded, by who, as part of what content and learning product. Then, you can update or replace the asset with just one click everywhere. 

Lastly, content and asset management needs to be backed by high security and performance. Standalone authoring tools offer state-of-the-art shared or dedicated cloud-hosting solutions, providing instructional designers with the utmost security and performance of their data and assets. 

Reason #3: Production & Project Management

Another benefit of authoring software is that it offers robust production and project management capabilities alongside content creation.

In the same way that marketing teams or video developers use project management software to track their deadlines and resources, authoring software can serve as a production management tool to help instructional design teams.

eLearning authoring software allows designers to work with different stages and workflows to match editorial workflows, such as “in progress,” “final draft,” “approved” and “published.” Also, you can work with different user roles and rights to seamlessly get your offline team processes and responsibilities mirrored online. If wished, you can easily and safely work with outsourced capacities. 

This is particularly useful for design teams and publishers who have to work on concurrent projects, meet deadlines and track the performance of their work. With a more structured way to create and manage learning content, many teams find that their designers can work faster and more flexibly.

Reason #4: Integrations

A final benefit of authoring software is its ability to integrate with your learning management system (LMS) or learning experience platform (LXP) software or solution. Using industry standards such as xAPI or Scorm, most common authoring applications allow you to publish a course to a connected LMS or LXP for users to enjoy.

However, eLearning software integrations are most successful and beneficial to instructional designers when the standalone authoring tool integrates with an LMS or LXP from the same brand. To understand why, let’s look at all possible combinations:

Standalone Authoring Tool + Different Brand LMS/LXP

When you use a standalone authoring tool and an LMS or LXP from different vendors, complications may arise during publishing.

For example, content may not display precisely in the platform in the way it was initially authored, and publishing processes may require cumbersome manual import/export. Also, when it comes to updating your content, you may have to update the same content piece in each single course – instead of clicking once to update across everything. 

Prebuilt Authoring Tool Within LMS/LXP

Alternatively, you can opt for a prebuilt authoring tool within an LMS or LXP, making the publishing and updating process much smoother. However, you miss out on the benefits of standalone eLearning software—including engaging content with a lot of variety, powerful content and asset management features, production, workflow and project management features, and more.

Standalone Authoring Tool + Same Brand LMS/LXP (All-In-One) 

This leads us to an all-in-one solution that offers a standalone authoring tool and an LMS/LXP from the same brand, perfectly tuned to each other and seamlessly integrated. You get the benefits of both worlds: Full features of a standalone solution and smooth and quick publishing and updating processes. 


Instructional designers are creating online courses and digital training experiences faster than ever thanks to eLearning authoring software. From better learning outcomes to project management functionality, authoring software offers a number of benefits for publishers, universities and businesses looking to level up their online courses.

Need eLearning tools for authoring, distributing and managing your content? Avallain can help. Tell us more about your needs today.