Effortless Project Updates, Real-Time Spell Check, Improved Accessibility, and More
Backend Enhancements
Effortless Project Updates
Managing multiple projects has been optimised. Changes from a Product Type can now be applied directly to all associated projects, ensuring consistency across digital content. This includes both Activity Types and Global Options, with the flexibility to add new options or completely align with the Product Type.
Buttons to Apply Changes to Projects
Buttons to apply changes to projects are available in two locations:
- The Global Options section of the Product Type
- The Activity Types section
When applying Global Options to projects, two modes of copying are available:
- Add New Options Only: Copies all options present in the Product Type but not in the target projects to the selected projects.
- Match Product Type Exactly: Aligns all options and their values from the Product Type with those in the selected projects.
When applying Activity Types, the following steps must be completed:
- Select the activity types to be copied to projects.
- Select the target projects.
These improvements enhance the efficiency of managing multiple projects and ensure consistency across digital content.

Real-Time Spell Check: Spell Check as You Type
A Spell Check As You Type feature has been introduced, providing instant feedback within the rich text editor. This feature assists in producing polished, error-free content. Language settings can be customised for greater accuracy.
Spell Check as You Type in Avallain Author
The feature is configurable via the toolbar and utilises the browser’s native spellcheck functionality, underlining misspelled words based on the language set in the Learning Object’s Language Attribute. Content creators can select a different language from the spell checker settings available through the toolbar Spell Check icon.

Clearer Error Messages
Error messages have been improved for clarity and guidance. If a Learning Object is not configured correctly, a clear message now directs users to contact support.
Previous message: “This Learning Object does not exist. Please check the project and ID number (xxx).”
Updated message: “This Learning Object is not configured correctly. Please contact Support.”ties.
LO History: Improving Performance
Applying a Design Pack to All LOs Without Creating an LO History Version
Previously, applying a Design Pack to all Learning Objects (LOs) resulted in a new history version for each LO, impacting performance. Release 47 introduces a checkbox in the Set [Design Pack] for all objects dialog, which allows users to opt in to creating a history version, but the default will be to skip this step, thus improving performance.
Media Library: Improved Design
Updated Insert Mode for the Media Library
As part of efforts to enhance usability, Release 47 updates the visual design of the Insert Mode in the Media Library.
- The Media Library now opens in Insert Mode whenever an asset is inserted into a Learning Object.
- The insert asset button has been relocated to the bottom of the dialogue for better visual logic.
- Actions not directly related to inserting media, such as delete, download CSV, share availability, and import asset metadata, have been removed from Insert Mode.

Metadata Management Improvements
Metadata Schemas
Administrators can now rename metadata schemas, facilitating the reorganisation of metadata structures in Avallain Author.
Asset Metadata in Structures
Previously, exported structures contained metadata for the selected Learning Objects only. Release 47 ensures that metadata for assets within a structure is also included in exported XML files.
Simplified Publishing for Complex Digital Books
Publishing Digital Books Including LO Hotspots
Publishing complex Digital Books created with Avallain Author has been improved.
Previously, publishing Digital Books with Learning Objects (LOs) linked through hotspots required publishing the LOs and the Digital Book separately. This sometimes resulted in hosting platforms being unable to locate the LOs from within the Digital Book.
With Release 47, a Digital Book, including its linked LOs, can now be exported to SCORM 1.2 in a single SCORM package. SCORM-compliant platforms will be able to open the Digital Book with links to the LOs intact.
To enable this feature, an Admin must configure the Publishing Types with “includeHotspotsOption”: “true”. This action adds a checkbox to the publishing dialogue, allowing Learning Objects linked through hotspots to be included.
Importing Digital Books together with their linked LOs will be supported in a future version of Avallain Author.
Redesigned Animated Cards for Intuitive Navigation
Navigation within Avallain Author has been enhanced. Cards in the Media Library, Structures, and Products now feature subtle animations when hovered over or clicked, making navigation more intuitive and clearly highlighting active selections.
Users: Enhanced Security and Reporting
Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
Two-factor authentication (2FA) has been implemented to enhance account security.
How It Works:
- Enable 2FA: Users can toggle two-factor authentication within profile settings.
- Register a Device: An authenticator app (e.g., Google Authenticator or Authy) can be used to scan the provided QR code.
- Login with a Code: Upon logging in, users must enter their username, password, and the time-based code generated by the authenticator app.
Administrator Control:
Administrators have granular control over 2FA settings for all users:
Reporting: User Count Clarity
The calculation of active users has been refined. The Users Page now displays the total number of active, unexpired customer users, regardless of whether they have assignments. This count aligns with the “regular” filter, ensuring a clearer and more consistent view of the user base.
Improved Search on the Work Packages Page
Search functionality on the Work Packages Page has been enhanced.
- Search terms are now retained throughout a session, allowing for improved efficiency in locating specific work packages.
- Filtering results by Work Package, Activity Type, or free-text search, are saved and restored upon returning to the list or returning to a project.
Watch the webinar recording
Learn more about this release’s new features by watching the recording of the webinar held by our in-house experts.