6 Ways Companies Use Online Employee Training Software

Corporate training is more important now than ever. In today’s dynamic working environment, processes such as onboarding, upskilling, corporate compliance, and professional development can be highly optimised by implementing online employee training software. Here’s how.

Online employee training software enables organisations to train and share knowledge with their teams online. A solution specifically designed for the needs of the corporate sector, it makes it easy to build, deliver, and track training efforts through an all-in-one online platform.

In today’s highly remote work environment, this type of solution matters. Online training is independent of location, time, and schedules, which means an unlimited number of employees can be trained at once across different time zones at the click of a few buttons. It’s cost-effective for your business—saving you from travelling and training staff costs—while automating training in a consistent manner across your entire organisation.

The best online employee training software offers interactive training and personalised training paths for employees, boosting engagement and retention—and faster, clearer, and more manageable data on performance and outcomes for organisation leaders.

To see these benefits in action, let’s take a look at how corporates are using employee training software.

6 Ways Companies Use Online Employee Training Software

Online training software serves many purposes. There are solutions available that are suitable for the specific training requirements of the corporate sector.

Different companies across different industries will have their own reason (or reasons) for implementing online employee training software. Here are some of those purposes.

1. Onboarding

Companies use online training software to onboard new employees, ensuring a consistent and seamless transition for any new hire. It helps organisations deliver all pertinent information to newcomers and, at the same time, an acceptable level of understanding and learning about the company, specific processes and tasks related to each accountability, depending on the role of the new hire. Online training software prepares them for immediate success and allows new hires to show up on their first day with a firm grasp on the job and company policies.

 2. Continuous Professional Development

 Companies also use this type of solution after the initial onboarding process to continuously improve their employees.

With the support of online employee training software, companies of any size can upskill employees with no limitations of headcount or skills and easily, accurately, and efficiently train employees on specific areas of interest.

 3. Compliance

Other organisations—namely those in tightly regulated industries like finance and healthcare — rely on online training to ensure compliance on a global scale on topics relevant to their business. Global compliance standards are vital for these industries and easily achievable with online training.  

Regardless of industry, though, most organisations need to care about meeting IT security, work safety, legal, and ISO standards. With accurate data about employees’ performance, organisations can easily identify areas of improvement and quickly assure standardisation and compliance across all branches.

4. Corporate Culture

With an ever-increasing competitive hiring landscape, companies need to work on their corporate culture and level of engagement to attract and retain the best talent in the market.

That’s why more and more companies implement online employee training software, which enables trending benefits such as remote work and personal development.

Above all, companies can reinforce company values and other items that are essential to the corporate culture. Doing so maintains a strong company culture and keeps your employees engaged, dedicated to their work, and aware of their important role in the company.

5. Employee Certification

Since online training software allows companies to train an unlimited number of employees in topics and skills according to their needs, companies use it to speed up the process of employee certification.

This is especially beneficial to organisations that are part of industries where certifications are equal to compliance, or when potential clients base their final decision on the possibility of working with certified professionals.

6. React to Changes

Now more than ever, companies need to be able to react quickly and accurately to rapid changes. An online training platform allows you to quickly create modules or courses related to the latest industry changes.

Whether it’s new hygiene regulations as a part of COVID-19 or new data privacy regulations, training software provides your company with the flexibility to respond to changes in a timely and consistent manner.  

Online Employee Training Software: 6 Essential Features

It’s clear that online employee training software plays an important role for a number of corporate purposes. But to have the benefits described above, you need a suitable and efficient solution that includes at least the following features: 

  • Dedicated Roles: Companies need the power to divide users by roles, such as learner and trainer. This ensures their interaction with the platform is coherent with the company’s and the user’s objectives and hierarchies.
  • Multimedia Content: The use of videos, audio files, images, PDFs, PPT presentations, eBooks, and more is essential for organisations to deliver training that works and keeps your employees engaged.
  • Performance Tracking and Reports: To know what works and what doesn’t, companies need a high level of detail and accessibility on the performance of learning programs. Training software should easily and clearly keep track of metrics like content usage, employees’ learning process, and performance.
  • Secured Access and Storage: Considering how sensitive corporate information can be, the training solution must be secure. Your learning software should offer privacy and protection against any type of threat, including the ones that might even be in the office.
  • White Label: Branding is a very important element of organisations. As such, learning software should offer white label capabilities, allowing corporations to customise their dashboards with the intention of creating a personalised experience for their employees. This allows employees to fully interact and connect with the brand and the company’s identity.
  • Bespoke Content:  It’s vital to be able to create bespoke and engaging training content in order to ensure inspiring and effective learning experiences tailored to the individual company.


With the right solution, online employee training software can help your organisation in a number of areas. Overall, it helps you reach all your training and business goals by making sure your employees are certified, compliant, knowledgeable, and in touch with your organisation’s culture and values.

Avallain Magnet, combined with Avallain Author, offers all the features you need to create custom content, deliver and manage top-notch digital training experiences, and fulfill the training purposes outlined above. Packed in a fully functional suite with no additional setup costs and no risks of lack of compatibility (two common issues many corporates face when implementing training software), Avallain ensures the best outcome for a corporate digital learning strategy.

Ready to meet and surpass all corporate training requirements? Avallain can help. Contact us today tell us about your needs.

eLearning Authoring Software: 4 Reasons Instructional Designers Love It

eLearning authoring software is helping publishers, universities and corporations produce online courses and training programs at an unprecedented rate. In this post, we break down the top 4 reasons why.

eLearning authoring software is a creative tool used by instructional designers to create and deliver high-quality eLearning content.

There are two general types of authoring software:

  • Standalone software that offers advanced authoring capabilities. Standalone authoring tools also have publishing functionality, but they need a destination to deliver the content (learning platform, website, mobile or web application, etc). Standalone software can fully integrate with a learning management system as an all-in-one solution. 
  • Prebuilt authoring tools with limited authoring and publishing capabilities, included in learning management systems or all-in-one solutions.

In this blog, we’re focusing more on standalone eLearning authoring software.

While each type has unique specialisations, having dedicated authoring tools for creating learning content offers a number of benefits for publishers, univeirsities and businesses.

Reason #1: Better Learning Outcomes

The main benefit of eLearning authoring software is how easy it makes the process of creating customised learning content. Using advanced features and multimedia functionality, course designers can rapidly create more engaging and interactive content. And that can have a profound impact on learning outcomes.

In online courses, interactivity is defined as requiring students to engage with content through different senses, tools or actions. Courses with higher levels of interactivity tend to provide greater learning outcomes. 

For example, an exercise requiring students to read a passage, listen to audio and complete a question uses multiple touchpoints to reinforce a concept, producing a better learning result.

Reason #2: Content and Asset Management 

To create better learning outcomes with more engaging and interactive content, you need more than just a way to create said content. You need a way to manage it all in one place. This is where online authoring tools excel. 

eLearning authoring software provides full flexibility and overview of your assets when it comes to storing and structuring your content. This is helpful because you will likely reuse the same content for different learning products in order to stay as efficient as possible and get the most out of each created piece of content. 

Another component of content and asset management is version visibility. This allows you to identify which piece is the latest version so you can quickly update content or even restore an older version as needed. This also provides full control over all your media and other assets. You know exactly when it was uploaded, by who, as part of what content and learning product. Then, you can update or replace the asset with just one click everywhere. 

Lastly, content and asset management needs to be backed by high security and performance. Standalone authoring tools offer state-of-the-art shared or dedicated cloud-hosting solutions, providing instructional designers with the utmost security and performance of their data and assets. 

Reason #3: Production & Project Management

Another benefit of authoring software is that it offers robust production and project management capabilities alongside content creation.

In the same way that marketing teams or video developers use project management software to track their deadlines and resources, authoring software can serve as a production management tool to help instructional design teams.

eLearning authoring software allows designers to work with different stages and workflows to match editorial workflows, such as “in progress,” “final draft,” “approved” and “published.” Also, you can work with different user roles and rights to seamlessly get your offline team processes and responsibilities mirrored online. If wished, you can easily and safely work with outsourced capacities. 

This is particularly useful for design teams and publishers who have to work on concurrent projects, meet deadlines and track the performance of their work. With a more structured way to create and manage learning content, many teams find that their designers can work faster and more flexibly.

Reason #4: Integrations

A final benefit of authoring software is its ability to integrate with your learning management system (LMS) or learning experience platform (LXP) software or solution. Using industry standards such as xAPI or Scorm, most common authoring applications allow you to publish a course to a connected LMS or LXP for users to enjoy.

However, eLearning software integrations are most successful and beneficial to instructional designers when the standalone authoring tool integrates with an LMS or LXP from the same brand. To understand why, let’s look at all possible combinations:

Standalone Authoring Tool + Different Brand LMS/LXP

When you use a standalone authoring tool and an LMS or LXP from different vendors, complications may arise during publishing.

For example, content may not display precisely in the platform in the way it was initially authored, and publishing processes may require cumbersome manual import/export. Also, when it comes to updating your content, you may have to update the same content piece in each single course – instead of clicking once to update across everything. 

Prebuilt Authoring Tool Within LMS/LXP

Alternatively, you can opt for a prebuilt authoring tool within an LMS or LXP, making the publishing and updating process much smoother. However, you miss out on the benefits of standalone eLearning software—including engaging content with a lot of variety, powerful content and asset management features, production, workflow and project management features, and more.

Standalone Authoring Tool + Same Brand LMS/LXP (All-In-One) 

This leads us to an all-in-one solution that offers a standalone authoring tool and an LMS/LXP from the same brand, perfectly tuned to each other and seamlessly integrated. You get the benefits of both worlds: Full features of a standalone solution and smooth and quick publishing and updating processes. 


Instructional designers are creating online courses and digital training experiences faster than ever thanks to eLearning authoring software. From better learning outcomes to project management functionality, authoring software offers a number of benefits for publishers, universities and businesses looking to level up their online courses.

Need eLearning tools for authoring, distributing and managing your content? Avallain can help. Tell us more about your needs today.

What Is eLearning Software?

Demand for engaging and informative online courses has never been greater. But producing these types of content at scale is no easy task. In this post, we’ll break down what eLearning software is and how it helps organisations create better courses. 

eLearning software is a digital tool that a company, organisation or individual uses to create learning content and experiences online. In some ways, eLearning software is an umbrella term that comprises numerous subcategories of specialised learning software.

While researching eLearning software, you’re likely to come across dozens of synonyms for the term. These include, to name a few:

  • Learning management system
  • Online training system
  • Content authoring tools
  • Digital instructional design
  • Digital learning software
  • Instructional design tools
  • Online training platform for business
  • Learning experience platforms

Each subcategory of eLearning software provides unique specialisations or features. But one thing they all have in common is their ability to create or distribute content and learning experiences online.

Traditionally, learning software was delivered offline, but this is becoming less common every day. Now the industry-standard for learning is the software-as-a-service (SaaS) model, which offers a higher level of performance and flexibility.

How Does eLearning Software Work?

Producing an online course involves two steps: creation (or authoring) and distribution. eLearning software provides course designers a virtual environment for each.

The administration environment is where platform administrators will manage courses, products and the platform. The environment is also designed to provide the optimal user and learning management experience for the organisation operating the platform.

The frontend environment is where the end users, such as teachers, trainers, students and learners engage with the content and courses, as well as with each other. The design of this environment is focused on providing a positive user experience for the person taking – and the person grading – the course.

Types of eLearning Software

While there are dozens of providers of eLearning software – each with their own specialisation – they all fit into four general categories.

Comprehensive or All-in-One Software

Comprehensive eLearning software delivers both authoring and distribution functionalities in a single package.

This allows you to create, deliver and manage the entire learning experience, from inception to engagement with end users.

All-in-one software has become popular because you get the benefits of two platforms for the price of one, without losing functionality. 

Authoring functionality for all-in-one solutions is usually either built-in, which often limits their capabilities, or achieved through seamless integration with a more robust authoring tool that has better features and functionality.

Some providers also offer solutions that allow you to customise your learning platforms, such as adding your own branding. These solutions check all the boxes of comprehensive software, but allow for a greater degree of customisation and flexibility.

It’s worth noting that a cutting-edge all-in-one solution should offer the capabilities of both a learning management system (LMS) and a learning experience platform (LXP), depending on the individual requirements and demands of its users.

(More on that in a bit.)

Online Authoring Tools

Online authoring tools are solely dedicated to the creation of eLearning content. They cannot deliver the content to end users. However, they do have the capability to export content via API (such as xAPI and SCORM) or by publishing directly to a connected learning platform.

Authoring tools have three main use cases:

  • Publishers use them to both digitalise their educational content and create more interactive digital content
  • Corporates use them to create and maintain high quality training courses for their employees
  • Agencies use them to create content that they can then sell to publishers or corporates

Learning Management System

A learning management system (LMS) is a software application for the administration, and delivery of educational courses and training programs. Put simply, an LMS helps you manage every stage of delivering a learning experience to an audience.

There are standalone learning management systems on the market, but in many ways LMS represents a range of functionality that other applications provide. For example, an all-in-one solution might provide LMS features.

Learning Experience Platforms

A learning experience platform (LXP) is a new type of application that’s having a huge impact on the way the industry thinks about learning content. An LXP is essentially all-in-one publishing software but with a higher level of features and functionality that fosters a better user experience.

LXPs help you create personalised learning experiences through a number of innovative features, including:

  • Gamification
  • Personalised dashboards
  • Advanced reporting capabilities 
  • Artificial intelligence 


Engaging online learning experiences don’t happen by accident. eLearning software makes it easier than ever to create and deliver courses to users anywhere.

Need eLearning tools for authoring, distributing and managing your content? Tell us more about your needs today.

Avallain Joins codemantra’s Partner Program To Offer Document Accessibility to Educational and Professional Training Customers

This article was initially published on codemantra’s newsroom.

Avallain has joined the codemantra Partner Program to introduce document accessibility compliance to their global education and professional training customer base. The award-winning Swiss EdTech and e-learning solutions provider supports leading brands worldwide with its international team of experts. Drawing on 20 years of experience, Avallain offers innovative digital learning solutions in multiple languages, powered by its state-of-the-art authoring tool and easy-to-navigate Learning Management System (LMS).

“We are pleased to partner with codemantra and appreciate their expertise as the market leader for AI-based document accessibility compliance,” said Ignatz Heinz, President, and co-founder of Avallain. “The ability to offer accessibility compliance to our customers adds value to our products and services. As digital learning has evolved, it is pivotal for us to consider the critical importance of accessibility and enable our customers to provide access and inclusion. We continuously define our product roadmap with accessibility in mind and offer comprehensive editorial guidelines for our customers’ content creation process. codemantra’s expertise will add to our efforts and enhance our Avallain product portfolio with the introduction of the document accessibility compliance.”

codemantra has been offering digital document compliance technology and services to a wide array of customers in financial services, insurance, K-12 education, higher education, and government agencies.  By leveraging its accessibilityInsight™ platform that employs machine learning to accurately tag content elements, codemantra can automate the document remediation and compliance process by up to 80%. accessibilityInsight™ validates accessibility compliance by completing over 100 automated document checks against the WCAG and PDF/UA standards.

“Avallain is a leader in the education and professional training industry and our partnership helps service their customers in a unique and increasingly important way,” said Barry Bealer, Senior Vice President, Strategic Alliances at codemantra. “By developing digital learning content that is accessible, Avallain’s customers can now also benefit from codemantra’s expertise and validation that their content meets international and country-specific accessibility mandates.”

codemantra is a global leader that provides an AI-driven Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) platform. The platform automates digital document accessibility compliance, extracts, classifies and captures document insights, and transforms any document into any desired digital format. codemantra has consistently delivered high-quality solutions and services to over 300 global customers in multiple markets including publishing, financial services, public sector, non-profits, and K-12 and higher education. Headquartered in Boston, codemantra also has offices in London and Chennai, India. For more information, please visit  www.codemantra.com.

Founded in 2002, Avallain is an award-winning Swiss EdTEch and e-learning solutions provider, working with leading premium brands worldwide. The company’s mission is to unlock human potential with innovative technology-enhanced education and to enable businesses and organizations to create highly interactive e-learning content solutions. Co-founders and EdTech pioneers Ursula Suter and Ignatz Heinz lead the international Avallain team across five continents, representing more than 14 nations. The company is an active participant of the UN Global Compact and aims to advance the SDGs by achieving a zero-carbon footprint and contributing to positive social change in Sub-Saharan Africa with its Avallain Foundation.

Swiss Scale-Up Avallain secures a 7-figure investment from Round2 Capital

Round2 Capital, an Austrian investment fund for growth financing, has invested 7 figures in Avallain. Round2 Capital is among Europe’s premier revenue-based financing ventures. This innovative approach to financing, which focuses on growth-stage companies, is easier to obtain than bank loans and offers more favourable conditions than venture capital. Round2 Capital invests in leading technology and software scale-ups in Europe. Avallain, the award-winning e-learning and edTech scale-up, plans to invest the funds in its product development pipeline for corporate use cases and in its international market expansion efforts.

Following Round2 Capital’s deepening of its two-year partnership with the Munich-based cyber security company Myra Security at the start of November through a multi-million investment, CEO and Co-Founder Dr. Christian Czernich now announces a further seven-figures of funding. The new member of the Round2 Capital family is the Swiss company Avallain, which offers state-of-the-art e-learning and EdTech solutions for customers such as Oxford University Press. Avallain was advised by i5invest, who view this investment as an important step towards scaling Avallain’s new product for corporate clients.

Christian Czernich, CEO & Co-Founder Round2 Capital Partners, announced: “Avallain is a leading European player in the EdTech market. With this investment, we add a third Switzerland based company to our portfolio. Founders Ursula Suter und Ignatz Heinz show a strong track record of independently building their business and establishing an impressive customer base, particularly in the academic market. We are happy to provide the growth capital to expand their offerings to the corporate world!“

Round2 Capital is unique among investment funds. The Vienna-based company represents a new breed of alternative financing providers for tech companies and has been a pioneer of revenue-based financing in Europe. Revenue-based finance, which is widely used in the U.S.A. for financing technology and software companies, was introduced by Round2 Capital in Europe in 2017. Several other financing providers in the UK and Germany have since followed suit. This innovative financing model helps to finance scale-up companies without personal guarantees or rigid repayment schedules and without dilution of ownership. In return, Round2 Capital receives a small portion of the company’s revenue until a predefined ceiling or cap is reached. Round2 Capital finances leading European technology scale-ups in this way. Avallain is Round2’s 13th investment within the European market.

Ursula Suter, Co-Founder of Avallain, states: “Both the long-term trends and the immediate COVID situation demonstrate the need for and fast-growing adoption of advanced edtech solutions such as those we have offered since 2002. Our tools offer tremendous potential benefits that our market and our audience are greatly in need of. The additional financing will provide a powerful boost for our market rollout of these products. Round2 is an attractive option for founders like us who strive to achieve significant growth without prematurely diluting our brand or ceding control.”

Avallain will use the investment to extend its offerings to corporate clients and to scale Avallain Magnet for the corporate training and education market.

About Round2 Capital

Round2 Capital is a fast-growing European investment firm that manages 30 million euros worth of assets. The company is a strong partner for European scale-ups that have digital and sustainable business models. Headquartered in Vienna since 2017, Round2 has been the pioneer of revenue-based financing in Europe. The Company is active in several European countries with a focus on Germany, Switzerland, Austria and the Nordics. Up till now Round2 Capital invested in 13 different companies, Avallain being its latest investment. With this third investment in Switzerland, Round2 Capital further strengthens its market position.

About Avallain

Founded in 2002, Avallain is an award-winning Swiss EdTEch and eLearning solutions provider that works with leading premium brands worldwide. The company’s mission is to unlock human potential through innovative technology-enhanced education and to enable businesses and organizations to create highly interactive e-Learning content solutions. Co-founders and EdTech pioneers Ursula Suter and Ignatz Heinz lead the international Avallain team, which spans five continents and has staff members from over 14 countries. The company is an active participant in the UN Global Compact and aims to advance the SDGs by achieving a zero-carbon footprint and contributing to positive social change in Sub-Saharan Africa through its Avallain Foundation.

Source: Round2 Capital Press

Picture: Ursula Suter and Ignatz Heinz ©Avallain AG

Avallain Author Release 30: Greater control, efficiency and flexibility for content creation

With Avallain Author Release 30, we focus our attention on enhancing the user experience for content creators, administrators, teachers and trainers so they can, in turn, create the best interactive content for learners. 

Creating comprehensive eBooks straight from PDF files? Check! More information in Project Reports? Check! More intuitive experience for the Media Library and user management functions? Check! With our latest update, creating learning materials with Avallain Author becomes even more streamlined and more intuitive in many different ways.

New eBook feature: Create eBooks from PDF files

One of the most frequently requested features for Avallain Author is the ability to import PDF files into the program and convert them directly into eBooks. With Avallain Author Release 30, this has become a reality. When creating eBooks, content creators now get to choose between three distinct methods:

  • Creating an eBook out of image files 
  • Converting a PDF file into an eBook 
  • Compiling multiple PDF files into a single eBook  

Compared to the image-based eBook creation method, using PDF files as a basis has one significant advantage: Since PDF files can store text elements independently from image files, the resulting eBook also treats both as distinct elements. This means that teachers, trainers and learners can select, copy and paste the text from the eBook just like they would with a PDF file. In addition, the text scales much better when zooming in.

Most importantly, creating eBooks from PDF files is a great way of making learning materials more accessible to learners with visual impairments. Since text elements are stored separately from image information, standard screen reader programs can easily detect the text and read it aloud.

Backend enhancement: Getting a better overview of the Media Library

The Avallain Author Media Library can store a wide range of media, allowing content creators to quickly find whatever images, videos or audio files they need. However, once the number of media assets stored in the Media Library becomes large enough, going through search results might still take some time. 

This is why Avallain Author Release 30 introduces the option of displaying pieces of media as large tiles, small tiles or as a list. Together with the new functionality which automatically adapts the number of media elements shown per row to the width of the screen, this makes it much easier to find the asset you’re looking for.

We have also added additional filters to the Media Library search function. Available filters now include “Embedded media type” and “Thumbnail media type”. And to make it easier to not only find media but also import it directly into your Learning Objects (LOs), we have added the functions “Copy Reference ID” and “Copy URL” to the dot actions menu for easy access. And when bulk uploading media assets to LOs, content creators can now de-select individual assets from the list.

New backend function for Administrators: Assign Activity Type Options

With Avallain Author version 30, Admins now have the ability to decide which Activity Type Options Project Managers can use on each Master Activity Type. This increases the control Admins have over the Master Activity Types and prevents Project Managers from accidentally using Activity Type Options which are to be avoided for the specific Project.

This change brings this particular aspect of the backend in line with how other interactions between Admins and Project Managers work in Avallain Author. Thus, it also makes working within the backend more intuitive for everyone involved.

Re-designed user management

The User Profile window has been re-designed according to user feedback. It now provides a smoother and more intuitive user experience, including a new option to change passwords directly from the same window.

This makes changing your password much more convenient, which should also lead to increased overall security, as changing your security information on a regular basis takes much less time and effort now.

More efficient comments feature

The comments function in Avallain Author now enables users to edit and delete existing comments using the dot menu on the left side of the respective comment. This allows them to clarify their comments or delete them once an issue has been resolved, improving in-team communication and speeding up problem-solving and feedback processes.

Additional information in Reports

The Project Report and Full Project Report functions have been upgraded to feature additional information which gives users on the content creation side more information than ever:

  • Project Reports can now include the Work Package name, screen number and Activity title 
  • Full Project Reports can now include Work Package name, screen number, Activity title, LO options, Global options, Specific options, LO Comments and Activity Comments

Note: This information is displayed in separate columns for a clear overview. Full Project Report lists will only include Global options, Specific options and LO options if they deviate from the default options.

New function: Copy Product types

With Avallain Author Release 30, it is possible to copy product types more efficiently and quickly. Simply copy them directly on the Products types screen, as you would copy projects.

New feature: Copy-and-paste plain text only

Rich text is a text format which includes formatting information such as tags which identify bold or italicised text elements. When copying rich text, these formatting tags are also copied, often without the user realising it, and they might interfere with the proper functionality of Avallain Author Learning Objects.

Thus, we have changed the copy-and-paste functionality of Avallain Author to automatically convert rich text into plain text. This means you will need to re-apply formatting information when copying text into Avallain Author – but it also allows you to completely avoid any functionality problems which would otherwise be caused by accidentally copying incompatible tags into your Learning Objects.

New syntax tags allow content creators to chain together free writing exercises

The syntax tags #textinput# and #richtextinput# now allow content creators to define their initial content by using #showtext#.

In effect, this allows content creators to chain together free writing exercises based on the initial text written by the learner. This makes it possible to have exercises where, for example, learners first write a text and then add new information to modify the text in the following exercises.

Dialogue Recording Avatars: Syntax simplification

In Dialogue Recording Activities, content creators can have the LO show an Avatar for specific persons interacting with the learner. For example, a learner may be asked to have a conversation with a fictional counterpart represented by a picture of the fictional Avatar. Previously, this was handled by including a picture of the Avatar within the syntax of the Learning Object.

With Avallain Author Release 30, this process is now much easier. Simply associate a specific character with an image as well as a Substyle in the Design Pack and the Learning Object can be set to automatically display that image whenever the Substyle is used. Thus, individual parts of a text can easily be assigned to different characters without the need to implement a new picture into the syntax every time.

Simple recording features support for apps

The integrated Product Builder can now create apps which support the Recording Audio and Playback Recorded Audio features of Avallain Author.

LOs that use such features are now fully compatible with any app created with the Product Builder, potentially increasing the target audience for your learning materials.

AvallainBase now fully translated into German

With Avallain Author Release 30, AvallainBase and all associated Design Packs are now available in German. Simply go to the Language Attributes setting and choose “DE” from the available options to turn all elements, including the UI, into a German-language user experience.

Continuously improving your user experience – with Avallain Author release 30

The latest version of Avallain Author concentrates on creating a streamlined content creation process. But, as Max Bondi, Product Manager Avallain Author, points out: “In the end, making the content creation process more intuitive is not just beneficial to content creators, Admins and Project Managers; it also increases the quality of the learning materials which are created.”

The rollout of Avallain Author Release 30 has already begun. Feel free to share your experience with us, so we can improve the software even further with Avallain Author Release 31, due to be launched in three months.

Introducing Avallain Magnet – the end-to-end learning management system

For almost 20 years, Avallain has provided the world’s most ambitious publishing houses and companies with the unique experience they require. Not to mention, with the ground-breaking technology they need to implement highly successful digital education and e-learning projects.

As industries evolve, so do their requirements, and we understand their need for an end-to-end learning management system (LMS) and learning experience platform (LXP) with top-rated e-learning features and immediate availability.

Enter: Avallain Magnet – Avallain’s new learning platform solution with powerful learning, product, and user management functions that can be implemented immediately. All in a fully intuitive user interface developed with cutting-edge features which seamlessly integrate with our leading e-learning authoring tool, Avallain Author. 

End-to-end LMS also means limitless content creation

Avallain’s new out-of-the-box learning platform works seamlessly integrated with Avallain Author. Together, they unlock an all-in-one solution with unlimited options for content creators, opening up a sharp and intuitive publishing process. This solution creates fully interactive, responsive, highly individualised and thoroughly engaging learning materials.

In addition, this connection between Avallain Author and Avallain Magnet provides greater security and stability to your content creation and management strategy:

  • Content is hosted and managed in a reliable, independent e-learning authoring tool.
  • Content can be re-used without limitations, organised into sophisticated structures, and published instantly to your learning platform powered by Avallain Magnet.  
  • Meanwhile, content creators are able to expand their possibilities to deliver intuitive and engaging learning materials.

This unlocks a straightforward, intelligent and agile publishing process that speeds up the creation, management and distribution of courses and products to teachers, trainers and learners.

What makes Avallain Magnet unique is that it understands the importance of keeping all stages of digital learning working together – without working in silos, but also without losing the most important capabilities which allow you to deliver top-quality learning experiences to your target audiences. 

Your comprehensive learning management system, ready to go!

Whether you are looking for a digital platform to:

  • complement or substitute your printed learning material, 
  • use a subscription-based model or one that combines different tiers of free and paid content,
  • establish a digital training academy,
  • or provide additional business continuity,

Avallain Magnet provides you with everything you need to meet your educational and business needs, regardless of the industry you are working in and with no time-to-market.​

Our new learning platform combines Avallain’s almost 20 years of experience in the digital education industry with proven and cutting-edge technologies. This way, you will be able to realise your very own learning management system and learning experience platforms, with no setup costs and no waiting times. 

With the option to easily set up separate portals with their own identity for each of your clients or end-user segments, businesses of any size and from any industry can provide their users with truly unique learning experiences.

Learning activity, created in Avallain Author and seamlessly published to Avallain Magnet

Built-in LMS and LXP features for teachers, trainers and learners

Teachers and trainers can use various built-in features of Avallain Magnet to create the best learning experiences possible, from automatically or manually marking interactive exercises, to live online teaching and mentoring through individual or group sessions. 

With intuitive Teacher Dashboards that display statistics on courses and learners, teachers and trainers can use Avallain Magnet’s advanced Gradebook feature to gain valuable information about how individual learners approach their exercises: Where did they seem to struggle and where did they excel? 

These statistics are a vital part of a fully individualised, responsive teaching style and Avallain Magnet is ready to measure and collate them, without complex interfaces to worry about. Of course, teachers and trainers will also be able to view the overall scores of their learners at all times. As a fully-fledged learning management system and learning experience platform, Avallain Magnet is built to accommodate various digital learning approaches.

From their intuitive dashboards, learners can efficiently work through the learning materials that are assigned to them either by teachers or after self-subscribing to the available courses and products. This enables learners to train specific skills while benefiting from the advanced mentoring functionalities that come with Avallain Magnet.

iMac Pro 2018 Mockup by Asylab

Teacher Dashboard. Course overview with learners’ average score

The best digital learning solution for your business

Another powerful feature of Avallain Magnet is its fully integrated token system, which makes it possible to operate different access and product strategies at the same time. It is also possible to launch different subscription models according to the individual requirements of your commercial strategy. This enables companies of any size and from any industry to have full control over the access and usage of their learning products. 

The process is as simple as organising content structures into courses, then courses into products, and distributing them via the built-in token system to your end-users. Also, with dedicated user roles for teachers and learners, the option to bulk-create end-users and groups as well as the ability to create separate portals with their respective logos for each customer, every organisation can launch their own learning management system and learning experience platform effectively and with full control over their business model. 

With an unlimited number of courses, products and tokens, Avallain Magnet opens the door to further business development and rapid business growth. We cater to companies of all sizes and Avallain Magnet works without any scalability issues. As Avallain Magnet works on our shared cloud-based hosting solution, there are no setup costs to obtain a robust, agile end-to-end solution for content creation and learning management – all in one, immediately available. Avallain Magnet. Digital Learning, solved.

Avallain Author Release 29: Improved to explore beyond

With new visuals and a more intuitive user experience for managing resources as well as new functionalities, additional options and ground-breaking new Activity Types, Avallain Author Release 29 brings a series of highly exciting updates to our already powerful authoring tool.  

Create and manage new Activities more easily, organise your Media Library and try out new ways to make full use of the integrated voice recognition technology. All of this serves to make the process of creating learning materials even smoother and increase your opportunities to provide your learners with highly individualised and engaging learning experiences.

Enhanced backend design and functionality

Avallain Author Release 29 greets content creators with several new features aimed at making the content creation experience even more intuitive than before:

  • New user interface design: Avallain Author Release 29 features a redesigned main menu layout which makes it easier to perform global actions while remaining familiar to experienced Avallain Author users. At the same time, we have separated the project toolbar from the header, leaving all project editing functions available under the project name. 
  • New Media Library design: Managing media resources is now even smoother, with a more intuitive design that will be further enhanced in upcoming Avallain Author releases.
  • Improved Product Builder: Avallain Author Release 29 makes working on complex builds and content packages much more convenient, with significantly enhanced performance across the board, resulting in a much more stable working experience. The enhanced Product Builder also comes with new Building Platforms for Android and iOS, ensuring full compatibility with all common operating systems.

New user interface design: Switching between projects, managing profile access and sessions, and separated Project toolbar from the header with all project editing functions.

New projects and asset management features and functionality

Our powerful online authoring tool has always excelled at incorporating a wide variety of media in learning materials while ensuring full compatibility between different versions of the software and the learning materials created with it. In Avallain Author Release 29, we further enhance this vision:

  • Improved Learning Object import: To ensure compatibility when importing Learning Objects across multiple installations of Avallain Author, the new release provides content creators with a detailed report on the differences between the configuration of the Learning Object and the target project. If the differences are significant, Avallain Author Release 29 can be set to replace missing but indispensable properties and options with the closest available alternatives. 
  • Enhanced Header Media Option: In this newest release of Avallain Author, we have exchanged the Header Audio Option for a new Header Media Option that allows either audio or video assets to be displayed in the header of a Learning Object. This enhancement also assures that video files displayed in the header run smoothly and continuously, even when learners switch between Activities. 
  • HLS video support: To optimise video playback on unreliable internet connections, Avallain Author Release 29 can automatically adapt (or be manually set to adapt) video players to the bandwidth available. This ensures stable video playback even when connectivity is weak, provided that Design Pack support is available and certain changes have been made to the video conversion setting of Avallain Author.
  • Enhanced Design Pack support: Design Packs can now customise the design of Learning Objects to a greater extent, offering new options for end-result syntax, button mark-up, placement and much more. At the same time, users gain more language support options, such as choosing a default language or setting a specific language as the default for a specific Learning Object.

Header Media LO Option

New authoring options and syntax

In addition to new features aimed at enhancing the workflow of content creators, Avallain Author Release 29 also offers several new settings for creating even more individualised Learning Objects:

  • New Reveal Object functionality: On Present activities, that are currently using the Reveal Object functionality, content creators can now set Show Forward to “After all answers” or “After one answer”. This ensures greater control over when users can use the Forward button when engaging with Reveal Object tasks. 
  • Info text: New dialogue display: In any given Learning Object, info text can now be displayed as either a tool tip or a dialogue, provided the Design Pack used allows for it. The new “Dialog” value can be set in the Global Option “Show Info Text”. 
  • New option: End Results Button: Content creators can now use the Global Option “End Results Button” to decide on which screens the button will appear: “Every Screen” allows students to be able to switch to the End Results screen whenever they finished a screen or “Last screen” if you prefer learners to complete all screens before they are shown their results. 
  • New End Results – screen syntax: The new End Results screen can be customised to display results based on specific categories defined by metadata. Content creators can also use Design Packs to create visual representations of these scores, e.g. pie charts etc.  

Brand-new Activity Types using voice recognition technology

We are excited to roll out new Activity Types that make full use of the groundbreaking voice recognition technology that is available through Avallain Author.

The first one is called Input:Match:Voice and enables you to create voice recording activities that evaluate the pronunciation of complete sentences by artificial intelligence. Thus, learners can get immediate feedback on specifically which words and expressions they have pronounced correctly or not.

Pronunciation evaluation with a new voice recognition Activity Type

The other new Activity Type which benefits from it is called Identify:Select:Radiobutton Voice. With this new Activity Type you can create Radiobutton Activities in which the selection is made orally. The learners record their selection and the voice recognition technology transcribes the recorded audio and gives instant feedback whether their recording matches the answer.

Workflow optimisation and more diverse content creation – with Avallain Author Release 29

The newest build of our leading authoring tool takes a big step in redesigning and improving existing content creation features while providing brand-new functions. As Max Bondi, Product Manager Avallain Author, puts it: “At Avallain, we seek to not only enhance our product with every new release but to expand its capabilities with proven, cutting-edge technology at the same time. Avallain Author’s new voice recognition Activity Types are proof that this concept works. We can’t wait to see how our customers will implement the new features in their learning materials in the future.”

The rollout of Avallain Author Release 29 has already begun, with the next regular update to be released in three months time.

Avallain joins Cornelsen’s mission to help students during home learning with Avallain Unity’s high-performance Learning Record Store

When much of the world instituted lockdowns at the beginning of the current pandemic, teachers and learners realised that e-learning solutions helped them keep up with their studies at home. In fact, online education quickly became the new norm in many countries.

With their online learning platform Cornelsen.de, the German educational publisher Cornelsen is at the forefront of this development, offering digitised books and learning materials online since 2014 and playing a major role for education during the shutdowns of 2020.

Cornelsen has shown remarkable dedication and initiative for overcoming the educational challenges of the pandemic, providing learners and teachers with the best possible online education solutions, turning a challenging situation into an opportunity for innovation. Avallain is proud to be a reliable partner for Cornelsen in this endeavour.

Cornelsen and Avallain have a long history of shaping education technology together, as Cornelsen uses our market-leading content creation tool, Avallain Author, to create the innovative educational content which their online learning solutions are known for. 

Now, profiting from Avallain’s microservice approach, the otherwise in-house developed online learning platform makes use of the Avallain Unity’s Learning Record Store (LRS). This is where progress data from learning is stored and accessed anonymously, and with high-performance, crucial to a modern learning and teaching experience.

Avallain boosts its visual identity to thenew age of digital education

To us at Avallain, the year 2020 bears special significance, as we approach the beginning of our third decade in business. For us, this is a cause for introspection as much as celebration. We are proud to say that Avallain has quickly evolved from a 3-person company into one of the world’s leading providers of software solutions for digital education. To represent this tremendous forward momentum, we have decided to develop and re-design Avallain’s visual identity.

What it means to represent Avallain’s identity

In 2000, two years before the official founding of the company, Ursula Suter and Ignatz Heinz, co-founders of Avallain came together to decide upon the brand that would represent their new company for years to come. They quickly agreed that the Avallain logo would have to be more than just a recognizable symbol – it would need to represent the very identity of the company they were hoping to build.

Since the founding days, the core of this identity has always been the will to use education technology as a way of enhancing human lives all over the world. Thus, Avallain has always focused on the human element, from learners and teachers to our customers as well as our own staff, and symbolized by our use of the symbol “ningen” – the Japanese word for “human”. Thereby, the original concept of the Avallain corporate identity was born.

Our human-centered symbolism was a statement of intent as much as a brand: Today, some twenty years later, we have successfully aspired to the ideal of an international company identity, building relationships and understanding with as many cultures and countries as possible by putting people at the center.

Avallain now holds a presence on five continents and employs over 15 nationalities in our staff. Representing our international approach, our focus on the human element and our values of harmony, stability and humanity leading toward exceptional quality and achievement, the Avallain visual identity went through some slight changes in design over the years.

Avallain has 20 employees and is working for Oxford University Press.

Avallain reaches 90 staff and serves 5 Million learners.

Times have changed, our values remain

When we decided to re-design our visual corporate identity, we knew we wanted to keep all of these ideals intact, as they still accurately reflect on the work Avallain does throughout the world of today. We also wanted to represent the current forward momentum of digital education, allowing the human “ningen” to move boldly – but not hastily – into the future.

Thus, our new visual design was born, representing Avallain’s commitment to its original values while commemorating the company’s new, dynamic role in the world of digital education.

Japanese sign for “human” → Reduced shape of the sign → Design mark for Avallain

Our new visual design reflects the identity of Avallain while also signifying the stability which we offer our customers as well as learners and teachers all over the world in an age of unprecedented change.

At the same time, the very act of changing our logo represents our commitment to ceaseless creativity and our willingness to improve upon the old whenever such a change is truly necessary – be it in terms of changing corporate identities or technological innovation.

Avallain fully prepared to grow and lead the digital education market momentum, ready for the next decades.