Release 5
New student dashboards and enhanced compatibility with global standards for even better digital learning experiences
Latest Features
New Student Dashboard
We have enhanced the Student Dashboard so that you can provide your learners with more functionalities and an even better learning experience. Now, the most recent course accessed by learners will be highlighted and pinned, while other active courses will remain underneath and automatically align themselves in an intuitive grid.
Also, we have added the option to quickly switch between courses that have and haven’t been completed yet.

Extended Compatibility
One Roster Standard Compatibility
Avallain Magnet is now compatible with the One Roster standard. This new function allows institutions to easily import lists of learners into the platform using our CSV User Upload feature.
We have enabled LTI (Learning Tools Interoperability) as an SSO (Single Sign-On) mechanism in Avallain Magnet. This functionality allows making individual courses located in Avallain Magnet to be accessible from external learning platforms.
Please contact your Account Manager to obtain more details about how to correctly and safely implement this feature.
Upcoming Features
Seamless and Instant Publishing
By giving full access to Avallain Author and Avallain Magnet, the Magnet Professional package provides you with your own end-to-end e-learning suite. Content creation and structuring in Avallain Author as well as course delivery and learning, user and product management in Avallain Magnet are perfectly tuned to each other, working as one cohesive ecosystem.
This seamless integration and combination of Avallain Author and Avallain Magnet will become even better when it comes to content structuring and publishing.
Soon, you will be able to create structures of any complexity in Avallain Author’s intuitive structure tool and then, within the press of a button, publish them, together with all of their LOs, to Avallain Magnet instantly – either to an existing course or by creating a new course. With this new enhancement, we want to enable you to further streamline your publishing, structuring and course creation processes and, ultimately, support you to create marketable products even faster.

Built-in Messaging
This eagerly awaited feature will be included in Avallain Magnet’s upcoming releases.
And as part of your Magnet Professional package, you will be among the first to make full use of the built-in messaging tool once it is available. With it, you can enable your students and teachers to chat with each other directly and seamlessly within your learning platform.
Stay tuned!
Watch the webinar recording
Learn more about this release’s new features by watching the recording of the webinar held by our in-house experts.