Release 7
Level-up your learning platform with new customisations and user management functions!
Latest Features
Redesigned Magnet Administration
Avallain Magnet 7 introduces a redesigned Magnet Administration in order to make your platform management processes even more intuitive – and powerful. Among the most important enhancements are:
- More intuitive and modern user interface design
- New arrangement of options such as Platform Settings for a better management experience
- Clean up of legacy fields no longer in use
- Extended filtering and sorting of users, courses, products, and more

Further personalise headers and footers
The colours of the footer and header of your Learning Platforms can now be customised. Simply choose whichever colour scheme you want for the background. The font colour will be automatically defined as either black or white, depending on the background colour. In other words: You are able to select the background colour in accordance with your Corporate Identity and Avallain Magnet 7 will define the font colour to make sure the text is easily readable.
Define Learning Objects via Skills
Avallain Magnet 7 includes a new feature to define and categorise Learning Objects via sets of Skills. This intuitively provides teachers and learners with more individual information about progress and scores, according to the skills they’ve been working on. In addition to that, using Skills will also allow to build even more personalised learning journeys.
Avallain Magnet 7 currently features three sets of Skills:
- Core competencies
- Career skills
- Language competencies
For more details about how to implement this feature, you can refer to the User Guide.

Find students more easily and quickly in the Markbook
Avallain Magnet 7 now offers teachers the ability to search with just a few clicks in the Markbook for specific user names, filter users by groups, by user status or sort them by user name and pending grades.

Refer users to your social media accounts
The Organisation Admin can now visit the Institution customisation page to add more social media links to the footer.
In addition to LinkedIn and Twitter, which were already available, these are the new options:
- YouTube

Watch the webinar recording
Learn more about this release’s new features by watching the recording of the webinar held by our in-house experts.