EU’s Guidelines for Trustworthy AI: A Reliable Framework for Edtech Companies

This post is the first in a series that highlights the most relevant recommendations, and regulations on ethics and AI-systems, produced by international institutions and educational agencies world-wide. Our goal is to provide updated and actionable insights to all stakeholders, including designers, developers and users involved in the field.

EU’s Guidelines for Trustworthy AI: A Reliable Framework for Edtech Companies

A look into the EU’s ethical recommendations and their possible adaptation to Gen-AI-based educational content creation services.

Author: Carles Vidal, Business Director of the Avallain Lab

Since the release of OpenAI’s ChatGPT-3.5, in November 2022, the edtech sector has focused its efforts on delivering products and services that leverage the creative potential of large language models (LLMs) to offer personalised and localised learning content to users. 

LLMs have prompted the educational content industry to reassess traditional editorial processes, and have also transformed the way in which teachers and professors plan, create and distribute classroom content across schools and universities.

The generalised uptake of Generative AI technologies [Gen-AI], in education, calls for ensuring that their design, development and use are based on a thorough understanding of the ethical implications at stake, a clear risk analysis, and the application of the corresponding mitigating strategies.

We start by discussing the work of the High-level Expert Group on AI (HLEG on AI), appointed by the European Commission in 2018 to support the implementation of the European strategy on AI. The work provides policy recommendations on AI-related topics. The “Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI”(2019) and its complementary “Assessment List for Trustworthy AI, for Self-Assessment” (2020) are two non-binding texts that can be read as one single framework.

1. Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI

From an AI practitioner’s point of view, the guidelines and the assessment list for trustworthy AI are strategic tools with which companies can build their own policies to ensure the implementation of ethical AI-Systems. In this sense, the work of the HLEG on AI is presented as a generalist model that can/should be adapted to the context of each specific AI-System. Additionally, due to its holistic approach, the framework addresses not only the technological requirements of AI-systems, but also considers all actors and processes involved throughout the entire life cycle of the AI.

As the HLEG on AI states, the guidelines’ “foundational ambition” is the achievement of trustworthy AI, which requires AI-systems, actors and processes to be “lawful, ethical, and robust”. Having said this, the authors explicitly exclude legality from the scope of the document, deferring to the corresponding regulations, and focus on addressing the ethical and robust dimensions for trustworthy AI-systems.

The framework is structured around three main conceptual levels, progressing from more abstract to more concrete. At the top level, defining the foundations of trustworthy AI, four “ethical imperatives” are established, to which all AI systems, actors, and processes must adhere:

  1. Respect for Human Agency
  2. Prevention of Harm
  3. Fairness 
  4. Explicability

At a second level, the framework introduces a set of seven key requirements for the realisation of trustworthy AI. The list is neither exhaustive nor presented in a hierarchical order. 

  1. Human Agency and Oversight
  2. Technical Robustness and Safety
  3. Privacy and Data Governance 
  4. Transparency
  5. Diversity, Non-discrimination and Fairness
  6. Societal and Environmental Wellbeing
  7. Accountability

The relevance of these key requirements extends beyond these guidelines. They also inform recital 27 and, implicitly, article 1 of the recently published EU AI Act, of April 2024.

The guidelines suggest a range of technical and non-technical methods for their implementation (e.g., architectures for trustworthy AI, codes of conduct, standardization, diversity and inclusive design) that actors can use to enforce the mentioned requirements. 

Achieving trustworthy AI is an ongoing and iterative process that requires continuous assessment and adaptation of the methods employed to implement key requirements in dynamic environments.

2. Assessment List for Trustworthy AI

The third level of the framework consists of an “Assessment List for Trustworthy AI” (ALTAI), intended to operationalise the key requirements. It is primarily addressed to developers and deployers of AI-Systems that directly interact with users. 

The ALTAI list breaks down the key requirements into more concrete categories. It provides a range of self-assessment questions for each of these, aiming to spark reflection around every aspect. Each individual actor is left to decide on the corresponding mitigating measures.

For example, the ethical requirement of Diversity, Non-Discrimination and Fairness, is divided in three subsections: 

1) Avoidance of unfair bias

2) Accessibility and Universal Design 

3) Stakeholder participation

In turn, for Avoidance of Unfair Bias, a series of self-assessment questions are proposed, a sample of which is listed below:

  • Did you establish a strategy or a set of procedures to avoid creating or reinforcing unfair bias in the AI system, both regarding the use of input data as well as for the algorithm design? 
  • Did you consider diversity and representativeness of end-users and/or subjects in the data? 
    • Did you test for specific target groups or problematic use cases? 
    • Did you research and use publicly available technical tools, that are state-of-the-art, to improve your understanding of the data, model and performance? 
    • Did you assess and put in place processes to test and monitor for potential biases during the entire lifecycle of the AI system (e.g. biases due to possible limitations stemming from the composition of the used data sets (lack of diversity, non-representativeness)? 
    • Where relevant, did you consider diversity and representativeness of end-users and or subjects in the data? 

The guidelines also suggest that companies incorporate their assessment processes into a governance mechanism, involving both top management and operations. The text even proposes a governance model, describing roles and responsibilities. 

The assessment list is not intended to be exhaustive and follows a generalist (horizontal) approach. The purpose of the HLEG on AI is to provide a set of questions that help all AI-system actors operationalise the more abstract key requirements, and to encourage them to adapt the assessment list to the specific needs of their sector and continuously update it.

In accordance with this vision, and grounded in the same framework, the European Commission published in September 2022, the “Ethical Guidelines on the Use of AI and Data in Teaching and Learning for Educators”. This document is a valuable resource for teachers and educators, helping them to reflect on AI and critically assess whether the AI systems they are using comply with the Key Requirements for Trustworthy AI.

3. Adapting and implementing the guidelines.

Having analysed the work of the HLEG on AI, we understand that it is proposed as a framework that companies like Avallain, along with other AI-system deployers, can build upon to create an adapted version that ensures the ethical design, development, and use of AI tools for the educational content creation community.

To this end, we support the framework’s recommendation of establishing a multidisciplinary body within companies to define ethical and robustness standards, identify the corresponding mitigating interventions, and ensure their implementation across all involved areas. This governing body should play a crucial role in the continuous adaptation of the company’s ethics and AI strategy to future ethical challenges.

About the Avallain Lab

We established the Avallain Lab in 2023 to be an ethically and pedagogically sound academic resource, providing support to Avallain product designers and partners, as well as the wider e-learning community.

This unit operates under the academic leadership of John Traxler and the business direction of Carles Vidal. The Avallain Lab also has the support of an advisory panel including Professor Rose Luckin. This experience and expertise allows us to deliver research-informed technology and experiences for learners and teachers, including in the field of AI.

The Avallain Lab is a unique, novel and innovative approach acting as the interface between the world’s vast and rapidly evolving research outputs, activities, networks and communities and Avallain’s continued ambition to enhance both the pedagogic and technical dimensions of its products and services with relevant medium-term ideas and longer-term concepts.

The Lab supports Avallain’s trials and workshops, informs internal discussion and draws in external expertise. The Lab is building a library of research publications, contributing to blogs and research papers and presenting at conferences and webinars. Early work focussed on learning analytics and spaced learning but the current focus is artificial intelligence, specifically ethics and pedagogy and their interactions.

About Carles Vidal

Business Director of the Avallain Lab, 
MSc in Digital Education by the University of Edinburgh.

Carles Vidal is an educational technologist with more than twenty years of experience in content publishing, specializing in creating e-learning solutions that empower educators and students in K12 and other educational stages. His work has included the publishing direction of learning materials aligned with various curricula across Spain and Latin American countries.

About John Traxler

Academic Director of the Avallain Lab, 

John Traxler, FRSA, MBCS, AFIMA, MIET, is Professor of Digital Learning, UNESCO Chair in Innovative Informal Digital Learning in Disadvantaged and Development Contexts and Commonwealth of Learning Chair for innovations in higher education. His papers are cited over 11,000 times and Stanford lists him in the top 2% in his discipline. He has written over 40 papers and seven books, and has consulted for a variety of international agencies including UNESCO, ITU, ILO, USAID, DFID, EU, UNRWA, British Council and UNICEF.

About Rose Luckin

Advisory Panellist of the Avallain Lab,
Doctor of Philosophy – PhD, Cognitive Science and AI

Rosemary (Rose) Luckin is Professor of Learner Centred Design at UCL Knowledge Lab, Director of EDUCATE, and author of Machine Learning and Human Intelligence: The Future of Education for the 21st Century (2018). She has also authored and edited numerous academic papers.  

Dr Luckin’s work centres on investigating the design and evaluation of educational technology. On top of this, she is Specialist Adviser to the UK House of Commons Education Select Committee for their inquiry into the Fourth Industrial Revolution. 

Her other positions include: 

  • Co-founder of the Institute for Ethical AI in Education
  • Past President of the International Society for AI in Education
  • A member of the UK Office for Students Horizon Scanning panel
  • Adviser to the AI and Robotics panel of the Topol review into the future of the NHS workforce
  • A member of the European AI Alliance
  • Previous Holder of an International Franqui Chair at KU Leuven

Avallain increases impact with strategic investment in AI Platform, TeacherMatic

Education Technology Provider, Avallain, today reaffirmed its commitment to responsible generative AI and innovation in education with a number of key announcements.

Avallain, a twenty year veteran of innovative and impactful edtech, has acquired TeacherMatic, one of Europe’s fastest growing generative AI toolsets for educators. The acquisition supports Avallain’s broader AI strategy including remediation and copyright protection, both features developed for its industry leading content creation tool, Avallain Author. 

The Avallain product suite already enables publishers to use the full breadth of the best generative AI while meeting educational, legal and commercial requirements. TeacherMatic has, over the last year, developed and organised one of the most complete AI toolsets to support educators globally, allowing everything from lesson plans and flashcards to schemes of work and multiple choice quizzes  – alignable to curricula – at the click of a few buttons. This coming together of TeacherMatic and Avallain forms the basis of a strong partnership of leading-edge and ethical capability applying generative AI for education.

Ursula Suter, Co-Founder and Executive Chairwoman at Avallain, says “We see this joining of forces with TeacherMatic as a crucial step to counter the main risks from generative AI while also benefiting educators and education, in general, in a manner that will cater to high quality educational publishing and learning outcomes. For many years we have been delivering grounded and considered educational innovation. With TeacherMatic, we will continue to do that and more. Our product suite achieves both high-quality education and commercial viability with success for all parties involved.”

Peter Kilcoyne, MD at TeacherMatic comments “TeacherMatic was formed by a group of lifelong educators with the aim of making generative AI available and accessible to all teaching staff to help reduce workloads and improve creativity. We are delighted to have been acquired by Avalllain whose expertise and experience in terms of both education and technology will greatly enhance our future developments, improve TeacherMatic as a platform as well as engaging with new markets around the world. We see the ethical, technical and educational principles that drive both Avallain and TeacherMatic make this a partnership that will benefit both organisations as well as our customers and all teachers and students in organisations that we support.”

Ignatz Heinz (President & Co-Founder), Ursula Suter (Executive Chairwoman & Co-Founder), Alexis Walter (MD), Monika Morawska (COO), Rahim Hirji (Executive VP) © Mario Baronchelli

In an additional announcement, Professor Rose Luckin has been appointed to the advisory board of Avallain. Rosemary (Rose) Luckin is a Professor at University College London and Founder of Educate Ventures Research (EVR) who has spent over 30 years developing and studying AI for Education. She is renowned for her research into the design and evaluation of educational technology and AI. 

Rose comments “Avallain has, for many years, been the quality engine of education for publishers and content providers. I am delighted to support them and provide guidance and direction for Avallain’s products as we step forward into this exciting era of AI within education” 

Finally, Avallain also officially announced the Avallain Lab, with John Traxler as Academic Director. Traxler holds Chairs from the Commonwealth of Learning for innovations in higher education and from UNESCO for Innovative Informal Digital Learning in Disadvantaged and Development Contexts. The Avallain Lab was incubated in 2023 with a remit to provide research and rigour around product development for partners covering everything from learner analytics and accessibility to ethical AI applicability for learners. The Lab will support Avallain’s current partners and operate commercially in partnership with other institutions exploring innovation in educational contexts – and welcomes global collaborators.

Avallain’s announcements today build upon its established commitment to ethical generative AI, which is already available for Avallain Author, its market-leading content authoring tool and its newly launched SaaS Learning Management System (LMS), Avallain Magnet. Current clients can leverage new tools that can automate parts of the editorial workflow while leaving editors and learning designers firmly in control of the process.

About Avallain

Avallain powers some of the most renowned educational brands including Oxford University Press, Cengage National Geographic Learning, Cambridge University Press, Santillana, Klett, and Cornelsen, reaching millions of learners worldwide. Avallain most recently raised 8M Euros from Round2 Capital Partners and is advised by i5invest. Through the Avallain Foundation, the technology is also made available to partners improving access to quality education.

Find out more at

About TeacherMatic

TeacherMatic was formed in 2022 as Innovative Learning Technologies Limited and has developed a suite of generative AI tools for educators. Teachermatic has adoption in FE Colleges in the UK, Universities and Schools and recently partnered with OpenLMS.

Free trials are available at

For media comment, contact Rahim Hirji, Avallain,

Daniel Seuling
VP Sales & Marketing

Richmond Solution, powered by Avallain, receives prestigious ISTE Seal

Richmond Solution has recently been awarded the prestigious ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education) Seal for its commitment to excellence in educational technology. At the heart of the Richmond Solution digital offering are two key Avallain systems: the Avallain Unity custom LMS solution powers the Richmond Learning Platform and Avallain Author is used to create most of Richmond’s digital content.

The ISTE Seal serves as a symbol of high-quality product design for educational solutions that enable and guide exceptional learning. By earning the ISTE Seal, Richmond Solution demonstrates its dedication to best pedagogical practices, effective technology implementation, and alignment with the ISTE Standards. This recognition emphasizes the practical usability, digital pedagogical implementation, and exceptional quality of Richmond Solution’s offerings.

“Richmond and Avallain have been working together since 2008 to build truly innovative digital content delivered on a user-friendly, dynamic learning platform. It is an honour to see this collaboration recognised by a body such as ISTE after undergoing the demanding ISTE Seal process.” Luke Baxter, Digital Publisher at Richmond Publishing.

“We are very proud of the recognition Richmond Solution has received through the prestigious ISTE Seal, which underscores Richmond’s unwavering dedication to excellence in educational technology. Avallain is delighted that Avallain Author, our e-learning authoring tool, and Avallain Unity, our custom LMS solution, played a pivotal role in this endeavour.

Witnessing our collaboration acknowledged by the rigorous ISTE Seal process is a testament to our joint commitment to delivering unique digital education experiences.” Alexis Walter, Managing Director at Avallain.

Swiss EdTech innovator Avallain raises 8 million euros from Round2 Capital

Lustmühle, December 14, 2022 – Avallain, the award-winning Swiss provider of cutting-edge e-learning and EdTech solutions, which works with leading premium brands worldwide, has succeeded in securing a second growth financing amounting to EUR 8 million from the European investment fund for revenue-based finance and growth financing, Round2 Capital.

The company’s founders Ursula Suter and Ignatz Heinz continue to control the company as majority shareholders. The aim of this funding round is to provide solid support for the company’s strong growth and pace of innovation.

In the pandemic EdTech boom of recent years, Avallain proved itself as a reliably positioned pioneer and long-standing partner to the education world, enjoying considerable growth as a result.

The award-winning EdTech scale-up Avallain, founded in 2002, pursues the mission of unleashing human potential through innovative, technology-enabled education, enabling quality-driven companies and organizations to create and operate highly interactive e-learning solutions. Round2 Capital recognized the company’s great potential as recently as 2020, when it invested a 7-figure amount in the emerging scale-up.

Now, the Vienna-based investment fund and European pioneer in revenue-based finance, which invests in leading technology and software scale-ups in Europe, has further strengthened the partnership and provided another EUR 8 million in growth financing, on a revenue-based basis as well as with a minority equity component, to the Swiss scale-up. Once again, i5invest acted as advisor to Avallain AG and supported the growth financing transaction with Round2 Capital.

The newly raised capital will enable Avallain to introduce product innovation for customers faster and to expand further into existing as well as new markets, beyond the possibilities of its own profits. In doing so, Avallain will continue to provide holistic solutions to the education industry’s greatest challenges and potentials.

These solutions will follow a broader strategy that ensures they are effective, secure, sustainable and innovative, so that Avallain’s customers are one – or even more – steps ahead of their competition, both now and in the future. Furthermore, Avallain will continue to expand its partnerships and ecosystem to enable customers to implement seamlessly into their digital landscape and benefit from new synergies.

The Avallain founders with the leadership team. © Avallain AG

Ursula Suter, Co-Founder Avallain AG: 

Based on the recent dramatic increase in demand for edtech during the pandemic, Avallain has once again proven itself as a solid, high-quality provider and reliable partner for end-to-end EdTech solutions. In order to consolidate and expand our leading position internationally in an environment of new entrants that often focus on single challenges rather than holistic solutions, we decided to raise additional funds from a strong partner who understands and appreciates our markets and the high potential we have based on the best-in-class technology and market position we have built over the past years. The previous cooperation with Round2 Capital has been excellent and we are pleased to extend the participation of a growth partner with a philosophy that suits us. With this deal structure, the founders retain control of the company and receive sufficient potential for the next chapter.

Stefan Nagel (c) Markus Schlögl

Stefan Nagel, Managing Partner at Round2 Capital: „We are excited to take the next step in our collaboration with Avallain with this transaction. Avallain’s management team, led by Ursula and Ignatz, has used Round2 Capital’s initial 2020 investment to holistically position the company for growth and has begun rolling out its new SaaS application, Avallain Magnet. Following the successful implementation of these processes, we are pleased to be able to further support this expansion with our funding. Education Technology is one of Round2 Capital’s focus sectors, along with Cybersecurity. Avallain is very well positioned to address the further growth potential of the digitization of education.”

About Avallain |

Founded in 2002 by EdTech pioneers Ursula Suter and Ignatz Heinz, Avallain is an award-winning Swiss provider of EdTech and eLearning solutions, working with leading brands worldwide. The company’s mission is to unlock human potential through innovative and technology-enabled education. Avallain’s team covers five continents and represents more than 14 nations. The company is an active participant in the UN Global Compact and aims to advance the SDGs by being climate positive from 2023 and contributing to positive social change in sub-Saharan Africa through the Avallain Foundation.

About Round2 Capital Partners | 

Round2 Capital is a fast-growing European investment fund with €115 million under its management. The Vienna-based company is a strong partner for European scale-ups and companies with digital and sustainable business models. Since its founding in 2017, Round2 Capital has been pioneering revenue-based finance in Europe and is active in several European countries, with a focus on Germany, Switzerland, Austria and the Nordic countries. To date, Round2 Capital has invested in more than 25 different companies.

Avallain & Eaquals: breaking new ground in digital innovation for language institutions

Avallain is delighted to announce a new collaboration with Eaquals, the renowned international accreditation body for providers of language education. Our associate membership offers a unique opportunity to forge meaningful connections with a broad membership of innovative institution, and enables us to pilot products, seek feedback and ideas and share technology and expertise. 

Eaquals is an international non-profit membership association, founded in 1991 with the aim of fostering excellence in language education across the world by providing leadership, guidance and support to governments, teaching institutions and individuals. Eaquals is independent of any commercial group and exists solely to serve the interests of language learners and the language education profession.  

“We are thrilled to be forming an association with Eaquals,” said Ignatz Heinz, President & Co-Founder of Avallain. “It is a natural extension of our deep connections with language education and our commitment to excellence in the field.  Our partnership will facilitate a free exchange of insights and expertise with the exceptional practitioners who make up the Eaquals membership, and the provision of Avallain technologies through piloting and exclusive member arrangements. We look forward to a bright and creative future in the Eaquals family!”

Lou McLaughlin, CEO of Eaquals said: “Eaquals is delighted to welcome Avallain into the Eaquals network as our newest associate member. Avallain’s commitment to delivering the best learning experiences to students and teachers aligns with Eaquals mission to foster excellence in language education and they are a great addition to the Eaquals membership.”

Over the past two decades, Avallain has become the leading technology provider to ELT and educational publishers. Through our white-labeled solutions, we have delivered the very best learning experiences for students and teachers in a range of educational settings. Now, with the release of Avallain Magnet, we have made that unrivaled blend of technology and educational experience available directly to language training organizations of all sizes, whether private language schools, universities or state institutions. 

And because Magnet seamlessly combines digital content authoring and learning management features, it offers innovative institutions – such as those that comprise the Eaquals membership – the opportunity to deliver specialist, tailored or own-branded content programmes, helping them to enhance their educational offer and stand out from the crowd. 

About Eaquals

Eaquals is an international non-profit membership association. Founded in 1991, we are independent of any commercial group and exist solely to serve the interests of language learners and the language education profession.

About Avallain

Founded in 2002, Avallain is an award-winning Swiss EdTEch and eLearning solutions provider that works with leading premium brands worldwide. The company’s mission is to unlock human potential through innovative technology-enhanced education and to enable businesses and organisations to create highly interactive e-Learning content solutions. Co-founders and EdTech pioneers Ursula Suter and Ignatz Heinz lead the international Avallain team, which spans five continents and has staff members from over 14 countries.

The company is an active participant in the UN Global Compact and aims to advance the SDGs by maintaining a zero-carbon footprint and contributing to positive social change in Sub-Saharan Africa through the Avallain Foundation.

Avallain and digital transformation at Eaquals Annual International Conference 2022

The Eaquals Annual International Conference 2022 will be held this year in Venice, Italy, from 28-30 April, and Avallain will proudly join the exclusive lineup of plenary speakers, with the participation of our own Max Bondi, Head of Product Management. Max will take the stage and discuss ways to ensure resilience and flexibility by transitioning to a truly digitally native school.

For more than ten years, Max has worked extensively with ELT and educational publishers such as Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press, Pearson, National Geographic
Learning | Cengage, and Santillana Richmond to deliver some of the industry’s most trusted digital solutions, used by millions of learners every day. Now, he is focused on bringing these innovations to the institutional market.

Since the onset of the pandemic, there has been a renewed urgency to engage effectively with digital solutions. And yet, all too often, technology brings complexity. Max will explore ways of simplifying: bringing together self-authored and published language courses, virtual classes, apps, messaging, analytics, e-commerce, and other key features of a successful digital programme in one impactful experience.

During the session, Max will introduce Avallain Author, our powerful online authoring tool, as well as Avallain Magnet, the all-in-one learning management system. Both solutions, fully integrated with each other, bring together powerful features honed for language training, enabling the delivery of truly interactive and engaging online courses. Max will also be joined by Chris Moore, MD of Specialist Language Courses, who will discuss how these solutions have helped his institution to extend its digital offering.

The Eaquals conference traditionally provides a rich programme for centre owners, directors, academic managers, teacher trainers as well as researchers and teachers alike. The 2022 conference programme will cover five main themes:

  • Language teacher and learning
  • Course design, CEFR & assessment
  • Staff development
  • Leadership & Management
  • Business & Marketing

“Technology has a crucial role to play in delivering powerful learning experiences, but too often this is done without focusing on the core engagement with the learner. How do you harness technological innovation without the technology getting in the way? How do you embed this in an organisation without succumbing to the destructive power of digital disruption? This is the problem that Avallain Magnet solves. I look forward to a lively discussion with a set of influential practitioners the like of which only Eaquals can bring together” said Max Bondi, Head of Product Management at Avallain.

Want to attend Max Bondi’s presentation?

Make sure to come to Spazio 3 at 2:00 PM CEST, Saturday 30 April, at the NH Venezia Laguna Palace in Mestre, Venice, where the Eaquals Annual International 2022 conference will be held.

Fancy a more personal conversation?

Max Bondi ( and Ignatz Heinz (, our President and Co-Founder, are just an email away if you would like to meet them and chat during the conference.

About Eaquals

Eaquals is an international non-profit membership association. Founded in 1991, we are independent of any commercial group and exist solely to serve the interests of language learners and the language education profession.

About Avallain

Founded in 2002, Avallain is an award-winning Swiss EdTEch and eLearning solutions provider that works with leading premium brands worldwide. The company’s mission is to unlock human potential through innovative technology-enhanced education and to enable businesses and organisations to create highly interactive e-Learning content solutions.

Co-founders and EdTech pioneers Ursula Suter and Ignatz Heinz lead the international Avallain team, which spans five continents and has staff members from over 14 countries.

The company is an active participant in the UN Global Compact and aims to advance the SDGs by maintaining a zero-carbon footprint and contributing to positive social change in Sub-Saharan Africa through the Avallain Foundation.

Avallain announces the first Avallain Author Certifications

Avallain is delighted to announce the first certifications awarded under the brand new Avallain Author Training & Certification Programme

Those recognised include dozens of independent freelance editors, writers and publishing professionals, along with the content team of Weblink Software, which becomes the first Avallain Author Certified Team. All trainees have completed an extensive six-hour self-study course and a certification module, which assesses both acquired knowledge and practical skills. Certified professionals and teams are able to demonstrate and promote their Avallain Author skills to the wider industry, opening up opportunities to work on the hundreds of projects delivered on Avallain Author each year by clients such as Oxford University Press, Pearson, Cambridge University Press, Santillana and Cengage.

Avallain Author has become the central digital content creation tool in the education industry. The new Training & Certification Programme ensures that content professionals — whether in-house or out-of-house — have an excellent foundation in the many capabilities of Avallain Author and are able to demonstrate their skills to colleagues, publishers and institutions. In addition, by certifying at least 5 team members and retaining their own Author licence, content service providers and publishers can now achieve Avallain Author Certified Team status. Weblink Software is the first to be recognised with a team certification.

“As a key provider of content creation services to the educational publishing industry, Weblink Software is delighted to become the very first Avallain Author Certified Team,” said Gavan Tanham, Chairman of Weblink Software. “Given the important role that Avallain Author plays in the industry,  our team’s certification will allow us to provide and promote our services more widely, and assure our clients that their digital projects are in excellent hands.”

Many of the first content professionals to become certified are English Language Teaching specialists and can be found via an accreditations search in the ELT Publishing Professionals directory, developed in collaboration with Avallain.    

Ignatz Heinz, President and Co-Founder of Avallain said: “We have always wanted to make our Avallain Author training available to all professionals and teams – in-house or out-of-house – and to provide certification so that they can demonstrate their capabilities. These first certifications offer our clients and their providers exciting new opportunities to work together in Avallain Author, secure in the knowledge that they have all the skills needed to create groundbreaking, powerful educational content. Congratulations to all!”  

Avallain is an award-winning Swiss EdTEch and eLearning solutions provider that works with leading premium brands worldwide. The company’s mission is to unlock human potential through innovative technology-enhanced education and to enable its clients to create highly interactive e-Learning content solutions. 

Weblink Software is a complete content service provider for the ELT industry, transforming print-based content for delivery in online platforms. Trusted by the biggest publishers and the first team to be certified by Avallain, Weblink provides a hassle-free and constructive workflow to create high-quality digital outcomes.

ELT Publishing Professionals is a dynamic online directory specialised in helping ELT and educational publishers hire freelancers with the right skills, experience and accreditations for their outsourced projects. ELTpp’s CPD programme includes input from Avallain, and together they have developed a filter for publishers to find Avallain-accredited freelancers.

Avallain announces the Avallain Author Training & Certification Programme

Avallain Author was created over 15 years ago with the intention of establishing the most powerful and flexible digital authoring tool available to educational content creators. Over the years, it has evolved to be the central technology used by the industry, benefitting from real-world-use with educational publishers throughout the world. 

Avallain Author now provides unrivalled support for diverse content formats, use-cases, workflows and modes of learning, resulting in more than 8.5 million interactive content items – all of them developed by our clients. The more it has been used by real content creators and deployed at scale, the more sophisticated Avallain Author has become.

An essential skillset for publishers, freelancers, and content service providers  

To keep pace with the many developments in Avallain Author, Avallain has evolved its customer support and training, ensuring that clients are able to make the best use of the tool and achieve truly unique, vibrant and impactful learning experiences. 

Given the many collaborations that happen in content creation, this training should be available to everyone, from in-house editorial staff, to authors, freelancers, and content service providers. And they should have a reliable and recognised way to demonstrate their Avallain Author knowledge and skills. 

Welcome to the Avallain Author Training and Certification Programme. 

This brand-new programme combines a 6-hour video-led training course and a 2-hour certification module. Everything is delivered on Avallain’s powerful learning platform, Avallain Magnet, meaning that the course can be completed in the trainee’s own time and on any device. It includes sandboxed access to Avallain Author itself, so that trainees can practise all they have learned and establish a lasting set of skills. 

Trainees and teams that complete the training and pass the final test receive a digital certificate and badge that can be easily displayed on profiles, directories, and websites. This ensures that Avallain Author and Avallain Magnet clients are able quickly to identify skilled Author professionals and companies to help with their content programmes.

Dozens of professionals and a number of content service providers are already on their way to becoming Avallain Author certified, and upcoming cohorts are already scheduled, with seats still available. 

Those interested in joining this unique programme can visit the registration page to find more information about how to get certified on one of the most powerful and popular authoring tools in the world.

6 Essential Steps to Creating an Online Course

Online courses help businesses and educational institutions make teaching and training more accessible for every kind of learner. But how do you create an effective one?

Online courses are made for a variety of reasons. People use them to learn new skills. Businesses use them to train their employees and provide certifications. Educational institutions use them to create new and engaging curriculum.

Because eLearning is so pervasive in today’s world, you might find yourself having to create an online course for the first time. That can be a daunting task, especially if you don’t have a background in education or instructional design. And it’s even tougher if you don’t have the right tool on your side for it.

We put together these essential steps to help instructors and trainers get on the right path.

6 Essential Steps to Creating an Online Course

 Creating an effective online course takes time and planning. Here’s how to do it.

#1. Pick Your Topic

 What’s your course going to be about?

There are a few ways you can go about answering these questions, but in general, you want to pick a topic that fits an organisational need and has enough information to warrant the creation of an entire course. You’ll also want to pick a topic that you’re passionate and knowledgeable about.

 Depending on your situation, and who you are creating the course for, ask yourself questions like…

  • Does this topic need an entire course or to be an activity within a course?
  • What skills do learners need to succeed?
  • Does it fill a gap in your curriculum?
  • Will learners benefit from this topic being an online course?

Questions like these will help guide your thinking as you go about the initial planning stages.

#2. Start with Learning Outcomes in Mind

Next, before you do anything else, you need to consider what the learning outcomes should be for this course.

  • What do you want your learners to get from it?
  • What value do you want to bring them?
  • What value does this course bring your organisation?

These are critical questions that help focus your content, narrow down your audience, and gives your online course a purpose.

For example, if you have a goal for your learners to become experts in a topic, then you will need to have expert-level content and modules to guide them to that ideal state.

This also ensures that the right learners are taking your course. You don’t want complete beginners taking an expert-level course and vice versa.

#3. Write Your Content

Now it’s time to start creating the course!

Start by creating an outline. This outline will act as your curriculum and your overall course structure. Make sure that you have enough lessons and activities outlined that will last the duration of the course. Give your topics a logical order, making sure each topic seamlessly transitions to the one after.

Then you can start filling in the blanks of your outline by either creating new content. Or if you have applicable content that already exists, feel free to repurpose that existing content. That can save you time and money.

When writing out your content make sure that it’s always focused on your learners and the learning outcomes you set out.

This can also be where you create your assignments, quizzes, and tests.

#4. Produce and Edit Your Content

 With the meat of your course content and structure finished, it’s time to gather and produce the multimedia elements of the course. With the right authoring software, it’s easy.

Gather all the assets you have, and if you find some gaps, then consider producing new elements like images and video. 

Find where each element fits in your course and consider your media mix. It’s best practice to keep content types varied. Add games and interactive activities that will grab your learners’ attention. Consider how those activities will be scored, whether it’s automatically or manually. These elements help your online course stand out, and they also drive engagement. So, get creative!

#5. Share Your Online Course

Now that the course is finalised, it’s time to send it out to your learners. There are a lot of eLearning software packages out there that can help you do this, but these days, a dedicated, all-in-one Learning Management System is the best way to get your courses to your learners. 

Through an LMS, you can easily publish, manage and distribute your courses, communicate with your learners, and offer immersive learning experiences to keep people engaged.

 #6. Track Metrics and Constantly Iterate

Last but certainly not least, you’ll want to track engagement metrics on your online course.

Track statistics like…

  • How many people complete the course
  • How long it took them to complete the course
  • How well they did on assessments and quizzes
  • How much of the content did the watch, listen to, or read

These metrics will show you where your course can improve. If people are tuning out in certain places, then you know where you can work to improve your course so that your learners or trainees achieve the desired learning outcome.


By taking the time to think through these steps, you’ll create an online course that fully covers a topic and serves the needs of your learners and your organisation. eLearning software gives you the tools to create beautiful and engaging online courses that get results.

Ready to create effective online courses? Avallain can help. Contact us today and tell us about your needs.

eLearning Software: 15 Frequently Asked Questions

New to eLearning? You probably have some questions. With so many terms, concepts, and eLearning products floating around, it’s difficult to find the right solution for your organisation’s needs. This list of eLearning software FAQs should clear up some of the basics.

At Avallain, we get a lot of questions about eLearning software. And with the demand for eLearning increasing, organisations are searching for solutions to meet this demand. If you’re the person tasked with implementing an eLearning program, then you’ve come to the right place.

These FAQs will give a level of base knowledge to make an informed decision when looking for an eLearning software solution for your organisation.

eLearning Software: 15 Frequently Asked Questions

#1. What is eLearning?

eLearning is short for electronic learning. It’s a catch-all term for any learning content delivered electronically.

It’s a way of learning that enables publishers, businesses, and educational institutions to distribute engaging and effective courses that help people learn new skills, employees gain new certifications, and students succeed in their studies.

#2. What is eLearning software?

eLearning software is a term that can cover a wide swath of software applications. At a top-level, these are programs that create, administer, publish, and track any kind of eLearning course or activity.

Once delivered offline, these software solutions have taken on a software-as-a-service (SaaS) model, which offers a higher level of performance and flexibility.

#3. What are the different types of eLearning software? 

There are four main categories of eLearning software. They all fulfill different functions, and they can be used separately or in any combination depending on your needs.

  • Online Authoring Tools – These are tools that are solely used to create eLearning content. They can deliver that content via an API or by publishing directly to a connected learning platform.
  • Learning Management System (LMS) – A software application made specifically for the administration and delivery of eLearning courses. An LMS helps you manage every stage of delivering learning to an audience.
  • Learning Experience Platform (LXP) – A newer application that’s making a splash in the online training industry, an LXP is essentially and LMS with higher level functions to foster a better user experience. These functions include gamification, personalised dashboards, reporting capabilities, and artificial intelligence.
  • Comprehensive or All-In-One Software – These programs deliver both authoring and distribution functions into one package. They allow you to create, deliver, and manage the learning experience from start to finish. Platforms like these have grown very popular because you can get the benefits of two platforms for the price of one. Avallain Magnet is a perfect example of these software packages. It’s a seamless and easy-to-use bespoke LMS and LXP with authoring capabilities built in.

#4. What are the different types of eLearning?

eLearning courses can come in many forms. Some of the most popular include lectures and seminars delivered in audio or video format. eLearning can even be delivered in eBooks and interactive games and quizzes.

#5. What features should you look for in an eLearning software?

Each business has its own goals, and a bespoke eLearning software can help businesses reach their goals. Some general qualities businesses should consider include the ease of use, user experience, level of interactivity, accessibility, security, and customisability

#6. How do you create content with eLearning software?

The specifics on how to create content depend on the software you choose, but there are some general tips to creating great content for learning. 

  • Break It Up – It’s important to keep your learning content organised. Break your content up into courses and modules, that way it’s easily digestible for your audience. Plus, it’s easier to keep track of on the admin end.
  • Use Multimedia – Interactivity has a profound impact on learning outcomes. Make sure to incorporate a variety of media forms into your eLearning courses.
  • Prioritise Interactivity – Make sure to take the time and ask your learners to interact with the material. Whether through quizzes, games, or other tools, getting learners directly involved in their learning always leads to better results.

#7. What sort of media can eLearning software support?

Not all eLearning software can support all forms of online media. That’s why it’s important to find a software that can. Multimedia learning content is a key to keeping your learners engaged.

Whether you’re looking to create engaging infographics, PDFs, video, audio, or even fully functional games,  the right eLearning authoring software can help. 

#8. How interactive can eLearning be?

The quick answer is very interactive! And the more interactive, the better.

With the advancements in authoring software and LXP’s, eLearning is more interactive than ever before. Multimedia content creates plenty of opportunities for the learner to take complete control over their learning experience.

#9. Is eLearning accessible to people with different learning styles?

Definitely! The great thing about eLearning software is that they can support all forms of online media, allowing you to create a variety of learning content that resonates with all learning styles. Be sure to test your engagement to find out what works best for your learners.

#10. Can eLearning software publish content to all devices, including desktop and mobile?

Yes, and that should be something you look for. One of the best parts about eLearning is the flexibility it provides for the end user. And with the right software, they can learn on a tablet at the library. Then they can continue that module at their home office on a desktop computer. Later on, they can pick it back up on their morning commute through their phone.

#11. Can you integrate existing courses or in-person courses with eLearning software?

Yes! In fact, a blended learning environment can be highly effective, allowing you to get the full benefits of eLearning and in-person learning. The best eLearning software provide that flexibility.

#12. Can eLearning software create e-books?

Again, not all eLearning software is created equal. Some eLearning software packages have limited capabilities in this area. It’s important to verify what each software package you’re considering can and can’t do.

The right eLearning authoring tools (like Avallain Author) can help you compile and manage content into cohesive eBooks ready for publishing.

#13. Who can or should use eLearning software?

Anyone can use eLearning, and the right solution will vary, depending on their industry, their needs, and their objectives.

Traditionally, eLearning has been boosted by publishers, educational institutions, and publishers, but small, mid-sized and large businesses are also taking their piece of the cake, after seeing the advantages of online training, bespoke learning content,

#14. How does eLearning software benefit businesses?

The right eLearning solution can spark growth in your employees and, as a result, your entire business. eLearning benefits organisations by providing easy and comprehensive solutions to onboarding, professional development, compliance, culture, certifications, and change management. We cover these benefits in a lot more detail in this blog post.

#15. How does eLearning software benefit schools and universities?

eLearning solutions enable schools and universities of all sizes around the world to develop their own interactive digital education content. These assets can be courses unto themselves, or they can supplement existing courses. They allow universities to enroll students across the globe, expanding their offerings and reach.


There are a lot of eLearning software programs out there, so having a basic knowledge of what’s available and how it can be used to benefit your organisation will help you find the right solution.

Now that you know the basics, ready to find out more about how eLearning can benefit your organisation? Avallain can help. Contact us today and tell us about your needs.