Release 8
Multilingual learning platforms, specific learning feedback, and more!
Latest Features
Language Switch
Avallain Magnet 8 includes a new language switch functionality in order to launch truly global learning platforms. Organisations can now enable or disable this option for each institution and, when enabled, teachers and students can easily and seamlessly switch languages via their institution login and My Profile pages.
Avallain Magnet 8 currently includes English and German options, and admins can create as well as implement their own translation files via Translations in Platform Settings.
Specific, quality learning feedback for students
Now Teacher Admins and Group owners can designate other teachers in the same group as responsible to mark content submitted by students. This can be managed in the edit mode of the group panel. By default, the owner of a group is assigned as the marker of that group.
Teachers with permission to mark content will receive notifications via the Teacher Dashboard, the Course page or the Message Center. They can then not only give a manual score for this particular lesson, but also add specific feedback in written form in order to further contribute to the learners’ individual development.
Students will receive a notification when their work has been marked so that they can conveniently check the individual feedback submitted by the teacher.
Watch the webinar recording
Learn more about this release’s new features by watching the recording of the webinar held by our in-house experts.