Magnet Release 21

Advanced Certification

Certify students with advanced issue criteria by leveraging our brand new Passing Score option in Avallain Author, or by evaluating against average score. Open your institutions to French and informal German speakers.

Certificate issue criteria

Magnet 21 now allows you greater control of when and how a student should receive a certificate. Leveraging a new Avallain Author value called passing mark, it is now possible in Magnet Administration for Org Admins to choose from one of four possible sets of criteria for the issuing of a certificate.

1. Go to Magnet Administration and edit the course for which you want to enable a certificate by clicking on its name.

2. Scroll down to the Certificate section and in the Certificate type field, select Accredible certificate.

3. Enter the Accredible group_id.

4. Finally select the desired issue criteria and Save.


A student can be issued a certificate if they:

Complete a course

This means the student needs to view all the screens in all the lessons in a course but the scores obtained in any of the lessons are not relevant.

Achieve average score and complete course

Here the student must view all the screens in all of the lessons as well as reach a target average score. The average score is the number of points obtained by the student as a proportion of all points available in the course. The target average score is set in Magnet Administration.

Here a certificate is issued if all lessons that have been set with a passing score have been passed by the student. Any other lessons are ignored. Passing Scores is a new option in Avallain Author which enables the content developer to define if a student has passed or failed a lesson based on the overall score they get in that lesson.  

Achieve lesson passing score(s)

Here a certificate is issued if all lessons that have been set with a passing score have been passed by the student. Any other lessons are ignored. Passing Scores is a new option in Avallain Author which enables the content developer to define if a student has passed or failed a lesson based on the overall score they get in that lesson.  

Achieve lesson passing score(s) and complete course

With this criteria, the student needs to pass all lessons that have been set with a passing score AND view all the lessons and screens of the course.

Once you have set your issue criteria, be sure to include that criteria in your course content so that the student will know what they need to do to obtain the certificate!

Support for French and informal German

Magnet offers the possibility for the student and teacher to change the interface language in both Magnet and of any courses that have been published from Avallain Author via the language switch on the landing page or via the language selector in their profile.

With Magnet 21, users can switch the interface to French or informal German.


1. To enable any language in the language switch, log in to Magnet Administration and go to Platform Settings.

2. Go to Settings.

3. Locate the key called available_locales.

4. Click on the More menu (three dots to the right) to edit the key.

5. Add the following value fr for French and add de-informal for Informal German. Ensure that each value is enclosed by double quotes (“) and separated by commas (,). All values are contained in square brackets. i.e. [“en”,”de”,”de-informal”,”fr”]

6. Save.

For more information on these features, check out the Avallain Magnet User Guide or contact Customer Success.

Watch the webinar recording

Learn more about this release’s new features by watching the recording of the webinar held by our in-house experts.

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Magnet Release 20

Engage and inspire

Embellish the Magnet interface for students and teachers with customisable preview images, lesson descriptions and a new course layout design. Set the font of the Magnet interface and your courses. Share direct links with your students. Just some of the new features in Magnet 20 to become more engaging and attractive for your end-users.

Lesson updates

Lesson preview images

Magnet 20 now creates a preview image for each lesson and displays them beautifully next to each lesson title in the Magnet interface. These not only decorate the course lists, the gradebook, assignments and even the table of contents within a course, but also provide content developers with the opportunity to give learners detailed information about the lesson they are going to take. 


Lesson preview images are inserted via Avallain Author. Go to LO options for each lesson and insert an image in the Preview image field from the Media Library.

If no image is specified in LO options, then Avallain Author will automatically generate a preview image from the first activity screen of your LO. So you can decide if you want the preview image to see the first screen of your lesson or if you want to customise it with another image.

Lesson descriptions

Magnet 20 also gives you the possibility to add individual descriptions to each of your lessons, in addition to the course description. These descriptions are visible when the student and teacher clicks on the new information icon on Magnet.


To add lesson descriptions, again go to Avallain Author and open the lesson. Then edit the LO Metadata and enter your description text in the Description field.

Lesson linking

Another useful new aid for teachers, provided by Magnet 20, is the ability to share a direct link to a lesson to students or other teachers. 


Simply click on the Link icon next to each lesson and paste the link in the Message Centre or even in an email. Users will need to be registered on the platform and be subscribed to the course to be able to view the lesson.

These links are created automatically and are always visible for teachers. Students cannot copy and paste links to lessons.

New layouts

New layout for sections and subsections

Magnet can organise courses into sections and subsections and Magnet 20 has improved the way these sections are displayed. Now, when students or teachers open a section, they see only that section and need to close it to return to the main menu. This makes a less cluttered interface and focuses the student on their current work.

New layout for Institution management

We have simplified the interface for managing institutions by creating four distinct sections for you to work from; General settings, Design, Login Page and Additional Features.

Font types

Change the font type in the Magnet interface and in courses

Choose from one of eight font types for your Magnet interface.

Setting the font type in Magnet at an institutional level will automatically change the font type in any courses that the student and teacher views in that institution. You can also set the font type in your courses independently from the font type in Magnet.

To set the font in Magnet, go to the Design tab in institution settings in Magnet Administration. In the Font section, select a font type and check the preview. If you are happy, click Save.


To override the Magnet setting, go to Avallain Author and open LO options. In the Design Package Options, select a font from the Font Family dropdown menu. When you publish this LO again, the font which is set in Author will display for students and teachers. To go back to the font which is set in Magnet, simply remove the Font Family setting in Design Pack Options.

Note that to change the font in courses, the content must have been published with the latest R39 version of Author.

Watch the webinar recording

Learn more about this release’s new features by watching the recording of the webinar held by our in-house experts.

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Magnet Release 19

My favourite things

Avallain Magnet Release 19 sends you hearts to set your favourite courses. Create your own page of favourites, set certificates to show your own institution logo, and many other updates to make Avallain Magnet your favourite learning solution.

Favourites, dashboard and courses page redesign


Now students and teachers can pick out their favourite courses so stay more focussed on what matters.  It is as simple as clicking on a heart to favourite a course and click again to remove the course from the favourites page. Magnet 19 offers an easy way for students and teachers to jump to those courses that they love.

UI enhancements

With the new Favourites tab, the To do and the Done tabs have been removed for students. All courses are now visible on the All course tab including completed courses, expired courses and courses yet to start.

Course card alignment

Course tiles are now perfectly horizontally aligned on all devices, irrespective of image size or the amount of text in the title or description. The height of each row is defined by the tallest card in the row.

Certificate customisation

Branded certificates for institutions

Following the success of our integration with Accredible to provide external and industry-recognised certification for courses, Avallain Magnet goes one step further to provide automatic institution branding . 

Students receive an institutionally-branded certificate without needing to edit the certificate design in Accredible for each institutions.


  1. In Magnet, ensure that each of your institution logos has the same ratio of 4.6:1.
  2. In Accredible, create two new custom attributes called Institution Logo and Institution Name and place them in your preferred position on the certificate.

That’s it. Now, each when student takes the course, they will receive a certificate with their institution name and logo.

Further enhancements for teachers

Adding users to assignments

In release 19, we have made the process easier for teachers to select students and groups when creating the assignments. Simply select the group and then, if necessary refine by selecting students from each group.

User and group report formats

Release 19 allows teacher to download reports in a new XLSX format in addition to the existing CSV format. Teachers will now be able to download a zip file which will include the reports in both formats. This should make it easier for teachers to view the reports in their preferred software.

Updates for Org Admins

System messages tracking

Send a message to all organisation users via System Message and keep a track of your message indicating who the message was sent to, how many people received the message, if the instruction was 100% successful or not and the date and time the instruction was made.

More product tours and tooltips

Magnet 19 sees the release of 5 more products tours for Magnet Administration.

  • Creating a new user
  • Managing users
  • Managing settings
  • Mail templates
  • System Messages

On the Settings and Mail templates pages, you’ll also find a series of tooltips explaining the functions of each key or template.

Magnet Release 18

Certificates and badges

Avallain Magnet Release 18 provides you with the opportunity to issue badges and certificates in Avallain Magnet, thanks to a brand-new integration with Accredible. Also, check out our new product tours to discover the many exciting features of Magnet Administration. And if you are a German speaker, view the Magnet Administration interface in German!

These features and many more are included in the new Magnet 18 release.


Introducing certificates and badges

Avallain Magnet now fully integrates with third party digital certificate provider Accredible

This means that when a student fully completes a course, a certificate or badge can be automatically generated by Accredible and forwarded by email to the student without any manual intervention.

In the case of the certificate, the full name of the student is automatically imported from Magnet, placed on the certificate and forwarded to the registered email for that student on Magnet.

Setting up certificate integration for the organisation

You will need to have an account with a supported third party digital certificate platform. Avallain Magnet currently supports Accredible. 

  1. First set up an account on Accredible.  
  2. Locate the API key in your Accredible account.
  3. Copy and paste the same key into Platform Settings > Settings > accredible_api_key

For more detail, please consult the Magnet User Guide for Org Admins or  contact our Customer Success Team via the Live Chat Support.

Setting up courses to issue certificates and badges

Design a certificate or badge on Accredible.

Create a group on Accredible for each of the courses that will issue certificates and badges.

 Locate and copy the Group ID.

In Avallain Magnet, edit the course and paste the Group ID.

That’s it! Your course will now issue a certificate and/or a badge once all the lessons have been completed.

For more detail, please consult the Magnet User Guide for Org Admins or contact our Customer Success Team via the Live Chat Support.

Product tours

5 new product tours

In order to help new users to Magnet Administration find their way through the interface and discover the main  features, we have created 5 new product tours.

  • Creating institutions
  • Editing a course
  • Creating a product
  • Creating a token batch
  • Creating a subscription

Simply click on the tooltips to launch the tours.

Then follow the instructions to navigate the tour.

Other updates

German interface in Magnet Administration

Magnet  18 brings you the possibility to change the Magnet Administration interface to German.


Simply go to Platform Settings -> Settings  and locate the key cms_locale.

Switch the language from English to German.

Watch the webinar recording

Learn more about this release’s new features by watching the recording of the webinar held by our in-house experts.

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Magnet Release 17

Unstoppable learning with Magnet App

Avallain Magnet Release 17 provides you with the brand new Magnet App, letting students pursue their learning even if they are offline. They can submit lessons including assignment work, and their grades and progress are synced automatically when they go back online.

With Magnet 17, your students can learn wherever they may be, adding extra flexibility and convenience to the most user-friendly learning experience ever.

Magnet App

Setting up the app for the organisation

Allow students to access content and assignments and allow teachers to review content by activating the Magnet App in your organisation and specific institutions. Setting up the app will be of great value:

  • If you offer courses to schools or universities. Providing students with the app means that teachers can now give assignments to their students and be assured that students will not complain about a poor Internet connection.
  • If your end users travel a lot, and consequently lose their Internet connection. They can still continue to learn via the Magnet app.
  • If your end users are abroad and they don’t want to pay high roaming charges to connect. They can still continue their learning on the Magnet app


In your Magnet Administration, go to Platform Settings > Settings and edit three keys:

  • Enable the key desktop_app_enabled if you want to activate the desktop app for your users.
  • Enable the key mobile_app_enabled if you want to activate the mobile app for your users.
  • Edit the value of the key pwa_name to set the name of the desktop app.
  • Finally, activate the app for each institution that will be using it. Go to Institutions > Edit Institutions and scroll down to the Additional Magnet Features section and toggle on the Mobile app and the Desktop app as required.
  • You can also set an icon for the app by going to the Design Customisations page for the same institution and upload a desktop app icon in the Logos: Header, Footer, Favicon and Desktop App section.

For more detail, please consult the Magnet User Guide for Org Admins or  contact our Customer Success Team via the Live Chat Support.

Desktop app

Downloading and installing the app

End users can download the app from My Profile when they are signed into Magnet. 

Using the desktop app

Download lessons to the computer for offline use later when offline. 

For more detail, please consult the Magnet User Guide for Org Admins or contact our Customer Success Team via the Live Chat Support.

Mobile app

Downloading and installing the app

End users can simply go to the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store and install the app directly.

Link the app to the user account by scanning a QR code on the user’s profile page.

For more detail, please consult the Magnet User Guide for Org Admins or contact our Customer Success Team via the Live Chat Support.

Using the mobile app

Students and teachers can download lessons while they are online in order to be continue their learning offline later.

For more detail, please consult the Magnet User Guide for Org Admins or contact our Customer Success Team via the Live Chat Support.


Categorising courses

Magnet  17 brings a welcome feature to allow you to better organise  courses on the dashboard for students and also the courses page for teachers.

Essentially, you can now assign each course to a category and the dashboard will organise the course cards on the dashboard to display per category.


You can easily categorise your courses by going into Magnet Administration. Edit a course and enter a category name in the new Category field. Any other course sharing the same category name will automatically be grouped together on the student dashboard or the teacher course page.

Watch the webinar recording

Learn more about this release’s new features by watching the recording of the webinar held by our in-house experts.

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Magnet Release 16

Empower your Teachers!

Avallain Magnet Release 16 provides you with a whole set of new features to empower your Teachers. Let them create groups and use the brand new Group Codes, equip them with teacher-only content, and allow them to register themselves.

With Magnet 16 you can unlock the full potential of your teachers, and they in turn will be able to create even better digital learning experiences for their students and your end users.

Star features to empower Teachers

Global Teacher View

Org Admins can now enable a new option at institution level called Global Teacher View. If enabled, it allows users with the role of a Teacher to view all users and groups in this specific institution. If disabled, users with the Teacher role can only see groups they have created or belong to, and only users that belong to those groups.

Enabled, this new feature can help you to either make sure Teacher roles have full viewing rights in a  particular institution, and consequently enabling them to view and do more – faster. Or, if disabled, you can support your Teachers to focus on what is relevant to them, and ensure data privacy. So regardless what your use case or setup is, Magnet has you covered!

Please note:

  • By default, Global Teacher View is enabled.
  • This only affects the Teacher role. It does not affect the Teacher Admin role, which continues to have full visibility of all users and groups in the specific institution.


In your Magnet Administration, when editing an Institution, you can easily toggle on and off Global Teacher View under the Additional Magnet Features.

Please contact our Customer Success Team via the Live Chat Support, if you have further questions.

Group creation

At institution level, Org Admins can now activate a new option called Teacher can create groups. If enabled, it allows users with the role of a Teacher to create their own groups and add users to it.

You can use this new feature to make your Teachers more independent of Teacher Admins, and give them more opportunities to organise themselves, their students, and their teaching. Or, in contrast, you can disable this option if you want to make sure that Teachers can’t create groups.

Please note:

  • This only affects the Teacher role. It does not affect the Teacher Admin role, which continues to have full group creation and editing rights regardless.


In your Magnet Administration, when editing an Institution, you can easily toggle this new option on and off under the Additional Magnet Features.

Please contact our Customer Success Team via the Live Chat Support, if you have further questions.

Group codes

Magnet 16 brings another brand new feature for Teachers and Teacher Admins. When creating a new or editing an existing Group, teachers can now enable a group code. Students can then use this group code to join the group using the +-button on their dashboard. 

With this new features, teachers can enable their students to self-join groups, without requiring any intervention from a teacher. This can, for example, make the student onboarding process even faster and smoother.

In addition to that, our product design team further optimised the group creation and editing screen, as well as the group info panel. This will provide your end users with an even more intuitive user experience when working with groups in Magnet.


Group codes can easily be enabled by all teacher roles when creating or editing a group.

Please contact our Customer Success Team via the Live Chat Support, if you have further questions.

Teacher view

Student view

Content exclusive to Teachers

When editing a Learning Object (LO) in Avallain Author, you can now decide whether this LO should be accessible by Students and Teachers, or only by Teachers. 

This is a powerful new feature to add LOs and content to your courses that are only meant for Teachers, such as lesson plans or teacher instructions.


When editing an LO in Author, click on Metadata and then on Rights. Now you can select the role from the dropdown under Intended User Role.

Please don’t hesitate to contact our Customer Success Team via the Live Chat Support, if you have further questions.

Teacher registration

As an ORG Admin and at institution level, you can now enable a new option allowing users to self-register in the role of a Teacher. With this, you can further streamline the onboarding process for Teachers.

Please note:

  • Enabling this option means that virtually anyone can register as a Teacher, including persons that may not actually be Teachers. That is why by default this option is always disabled, and please make sure to consider this point before enabling it.


In your Magnet Administration, when editing an Institution, you can easily toggle this new option on and off under the Additional Magnet Features.

Please contact our Customer Success Team via the Live Chat Support, if you have further questions.

Additional enhancements

Magnet Release 16 enables ORG Admins to easily access a copy of the account activation link of their pending end users. This is particularly helpful to assist end users that may not have received the initial account activation mail.


In your Magnet Administration, please click on the Users tab. Then, access a user’s details and find the activation link in a dropdown under Activation Support. Simply click on Copy activation link, and it will automatically be copied to your clipboard, ready to be pasted wherever you want.

Please contact our Customer Success Team via the Live Chat Support, if you have further questions.

Course cards in alphabetical order

On the Courses page, the course cards are now ordered left to right alphabetically. This allows an even clearer and more intuitive overview, for example when working with enumerations. However, as previously, the last course a user worked on will still be displayed prominently at the top, so that they can quickly jump in again.

Usernames in the Message Centre

In the Message Centre, the full usernames are now being displayed, instead of the initials only. This helps to easily keep a perfect overview, even if users share the same initials.

Watch the webinar recording

Learn more about this release’s new features by watching the recording of the webinar held by our in-house experts.

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Magnet Release 15

Skyrocket your eLearning business with Magnet 15!

Deliver brand new learning experiences with the new Design Package Mercury Vertical, benefit from automatic email reminders for assignments, and make the most out of the latest SSO functionality per institution.

And it doesn’t stop here: Take a sneak peek at Magnet’s upcoming eCommerce feature and integration with Shopify, one of the world’s leading eCommerce solutions.

Brand new Design Package Mercury Vertical

Avallain Magnet further expands the possibilities of user experience with the new design package in Avallain Author, your seamlessly connected online authoring tool.

Mercury Vertical enables your learners to scroll through all activities in a Learning Object (LO) top to bottom, which makes it particularly useful for mobile-first learning experiences.

Please note: You will have access to the new design package by the end of June. If you want to use Mercury Vertical and can’t find it in your projects in Avallain Author, please get in touch with our Customer Success team using the Live Chat.

New email reminder to students with assignments pending of submission

Students that have submitted all LOs but have not submitted the assignment yet receive a reminder per email.

Magnet Release 15 introduces an automatic email notification, which will be sent to students when they finish all the LOs included on an assignment but forget to submit the assignment for review. 

This new feature allows teachers to rely on Avallain Magnet to keep students updated on pending submissions needed to complete their assignments and, consequently, to receive feedback and continue with their learning progress. 

ORG Admins can find the new email template – named assignment_submit_reminder – in Mail Templates in the Platform Settings menu. This feature will be enabled by Avallain on all organisations as part of this release, so no further actions are required. 

New option to enable Google and Apple SSO on each institution

In Avallain Magnet Release 15, ORG Admins can now turn on or off the Single Sign-On (SSO) option for Apple and Google accounts per institution. 

This way, you gain even more options to set up your institutions individually, supporting you to allow seamless and simple registration workflows for your end users as well as addressing specific client requirements. When editing an Institution, Org Admins can find this new option in the “Institution Details” under the section called “Additional Magnet Features”.  

Note: It is still possible to control such settings at the organisation level by going to Platform Settings and entering the Settings options under Magnet Administration. 

Watch how to enable and disable SSO on institution level

Sneak peek 

Avallain Magnet eCommerce!

One of the most anticipated features is about to arrive in Avallain Magnet, and we want to share a sneak peek before the official launch.

You will soon be able to easily and securely integrate a Shopify shop with Avallain Magnet, and sell online courses that will be automatically added to each end user’s account. In addition, each institution will have direct access to the Shopify catalogue from the Courses dashboard.

Skyrocket your online sales and business growth with this feature that opens the door to countless additional commercial models. Also, it marks the start of a series of integrations with powerful external applications that you will soon see available on Avallain Magnet. 

We will keep you informed about the imminent launch of Avallain Magnet’s eCommerce feature, and provide documentation and training on how to implement it securely and swiftly. Stay tuned!

Watch a preview of Avallain Magnet eCommerce with Shopify

Watch the webinar recording

Learn more about this release’s new features by watching the recording of the webinar held by our in-house experts.

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Magnet Release 14

Level-up the potential of human-centred teaching and learning.

Discover highly anticipated features such as the powerful new Assignments and manual feedback on non-manually marked exercises.

Star Feature

Brand-new Assignments

Brand-new user interface design

Avallain Magnet Release 14 introduces Assignments, one of the most anticipated features with great potential to take teaching to a new level of engagement and management. 

ORG Admins can easily enable this new feature by going to Courses in Magnet Administration, click on Edit on the relevant course and, in the Course components section, turn the new Assignments toggle on (it is off by default). 

Note: When you enable Assignments in the Course Components section of a course, the Assignments tab will be visible to teachers and students for this course in all your institutions. For more information, refer to the User Guide.

Watch the tutorial: How to enable Assignments

How does it work?

The Assignments feature allows Teachers and Teacher Admins to create specific assignments for selected students or groups containing lessons from a particular course, as well as external files such as videos, PDFs, presentations, audio, and images. 

Students will be notified when a new assignment is waiting for them to solve or when the assignment has changed and, when they have completed it, Teachers and Teacher Admins will be able to review it and give feedback.  

Teachers will find all assignments conveniently organised in cards in the Assignments tab, which can be easily located on each course page. Currently, There are three possible stages of an Assignment.

  • Active: When the due date is still pending and some students have not completed all the required content.
  • Completed: When all students have completed the assignment or when the due date is reached (even if there are still students who have not submitted).
  • Upcoming: When the assignment has a start date in the future. They can be seen by teachers but are not visible to students.

For each learner, there are three possible statuses:

  • Not started: The learner has not opened the assignment.
  • In progress: The student has opened the assignment.
  • Submitted: The student has submitted the assignment.

To further enhance the efficient allocation of assignments and teaching management, Assignments can: 

  • have a scheduled start date on which they are automatically activated for students
  • be activated immediately by Teachers and Teacher Admins
  • have a scheduled due date when they are marked as completed (even if students did not submit them on time)
  • be completed automatically if all students have submitted them before the due date

Watch the quick tour around Assignments


Teachers and Teacher Admins subscribed to a course will be able to see all assignments from all other teachers in the same course. For more information, refer to the User Guide.


Manual feedback extended to all exercises

To further increase the possibilities in the evaluation and teaching process, Avallain Magnet Release 14 extends manual feedback to all exercises within a course, regardless of whether they are manually marked or not. 

Teachers and Teacher Admins will be able to provide manual feedback from the feedback panel, either in text or audio format, to all exercises completed by students.

Students will receive a notification when a Teacher or Teacher Admin has left manual feedback for them, in the same way as is currently the case for manually marked exercises. For more information, refer to the User Guide.

Watch how to submit manual feedback on non-manually marked exercises


New Organisation Time Zone Setting

With Avallain Magnet Release 14 it is possible to set a default time zone for the entire organisation in Magnet Administration. 

Usually, when ORG Admins adjust subscription dates, assignment dates, or token expiry dates and duration, the date and time entered is according to the time zone selected for each institution. 

Now, it is also possible to set a default time zone for your organisation instead of specifying one for each institution. With this new feature, you can apply the organisation’s time zone to the institution of your choice from the Institution Details screen.

To specify the default organisation time zone, just go to Platform settings > Settings in Magnet Administration, locate the key “organisation_timezone” and click Edit from the More menu. Then, easily select the time zone you wish to use for your organisation from the dropdown menu. For more information, refer to the User Guide.

Watch how to set up the organisation time zone in Magnet Administration


For the frontend environment, the time zone will be displayed according to the time zone of each user’s computer or device. Remember that you can overwrite this organisation time zone by simply selecting a specific time zone in the Institution settings. 

For more information, refer to the User Guide.

Watch the webinar recording

Learn more about this release’s new features by watching the recording of the webinar held by our in-house experts.

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Magnet Release 13

Release 13

Own every corner of your learning platform with custom background images on the login page, personalised UI primary and secondary colours, new custom Course Feedback Screens, the new Magnet Administration Dashboard, and much more. 

Star Feature

Brand-new white labelling functionalities

Avallain Magnet Release 13 comes with a set of highly anticipated and exciting white-labelling features, giving ORG Admins further greater possibilities to fully personalise institutions’ brand and personality. 

Customisable login page background image

Avallain Magnet Release 13 further extends the power of personalisation, adding an exciting new feature to set up a background image to the login page of your institutions. 

Following our high standards of usability, you can set up the background image of the login page easily and quickly from the Edit Institution page in Magnet Administration. 

Along with this new feature, you can always select between two layout options, either with a single login field, or with an additional customisable area to add text, images, video files, and even HTML-based content. 

With full responsiveness implemented, and even the option to add a gradient effect to the background image, this function elevates the already flexible white-labelling capabilities of Avallain Magnet to a new level, allowing you to offer truly personalised experiences to your users, from the very first moment, even before logging in. 

Personalised primary and secondary accent colours in the UI

It is now possible to easily and intuitively customise the primary and secondary accent colours of your platform’s UI. 

You can quickly apply these changes directly from the Institutions page in Magnet Administration, either when creating a new institution, or editing an existing one in the Design Customisations section. Also, with the new interface, you can instantly preview all changes, visualising exactly how the interface will look for your users. 

Note: For a better and further streamlined experience customising your institutions, the header and footer colours have been aligned under one colour choice. 

For any of your institutions where the header and footer have different colours, as part of this release, we have applied the header colour automatically to the footer.

Also, the font colour in these areas has been configured so it switches automatically between dark and light, according to the header and footer colour.

In case of further questions about how to make the most out of this new functionality, please do not hesitate to contact Customer Success via the Live Chat Widget.  

Platform Customisation

Brand-new custom Course Feedback Screens for Adaptive Courses

We continue expanding the possibilities to fully personalise your users’ teaching and learning experiences, with a new addition to the recently launched Adaptive Courses. Now, ORG Admins can easily create custom course feedback screens to show up depending on the results obtained by each learner after completing an activity. 

To start using this new feature, ORG Admins just have to go to Platform Settings in Magnet Administration, and select Feedback Screens from the dropdown menu. Then, a title, a description, and even an illustration can be added to the feedback screen, either selecting from the predefined options or uploading a new image file. 

Another advantage of this feature is that ORG Admins can create a translated version of each feedback screen to be assigned to the correspondent language previously added to the platform. 

Also, with full syntax support, the message on each feedback screen can contain fully personalised elements such as the learner’s name and current level in the course, the folder and course average scores, and the name of the course. 

To learn more about how to use syntax in custom course feedback pages, as well other useful tips to make the most out of this powerful new feature, please consult the user guide.

Note: The new custom course feedback screens are part of the configurability of the Magnet Course Player, and have no impact on the content or any other feedback-type screens configured in the content itself. 

Enabling and disabling Course components 

Avallain Magnet Release 13 gives ORG Admins the power to enable or disable the displaying of Course components. A Course component is a part of the general course interface that is displayed to the learner or the teacher. 

There are three main course components in Avallain Magnet: Gradebook, Course content, and Table of contents. This new feature easily allows ORG Admins to configure which course components will be shown for learners and teachers independently, by switching the intuitively designed toggles located in the Course Edit settings.

With this addition to the already highly customisable interface, we provide ORG Admins with a very handful tool to configure learning experiences according to their needs and those of their users. 

For example, disabling the Gradebook in the Student view is really useful when ORG Admins are managing placement tests, and they need to prevent learners from seeing their results immediately.

Reports and analytics

New Magnet Administration Dashboard

Avallain Magnet Release 13 introduces a completely new section called Dashboard as the first page of Magnet Administration. Here you will find very useful information about your platform’s operation, with interactive and configurable data. 

With this highly intuitive and user-friendly designed dashboard, ORG Admins will be able to easily obtain relevant information about: 

  • Quick Announcements about upcoming releases and updates to the platform, reminders of important events, and more 
  • Total monthly billable users per month, with a filter to quickly review previous months’ data 
  • Total number of new active users in the month, broken down by institution 
  • Billable users listed by each institution of the organisation in the current month
  • News from Avallain, with useful information and links to relevant content about how to make the most out of Avallain Magnet 

New Metrics page in Magnet Administration

A new page called Metrics has been added to Magnet Administration, where ORG Admins can obtain rich data about their platform’s operation and performance, from an interactive and visually engaging interface. 

All metrics are downloadable by clicking on the small download icon, located in the top right corner of each data box. Data can be easily exported in .csv, .xlsx, and .json formats for better compatibility and management. 

With the new Metrics page, ORG Admins can obtain real-time data about: 

  • Total users count 
  • Users count per role (Student, Teacher, and Teacher Admin) 
  • Registered number of users by country, according to their profile and submitted data to Magnet Administration
  • Active and pending users per institution
  • New users per month
  • Total users per course

Teaching and training

New Reset Course option

In Avallain Magnet Release 13 Teacher Admins can reset an entire course for a specific learner directly from the User Panel in the Users area. This way, we enable a quicker process to reset the learner’s progress and previously submitted answers in a course. 

It is as simple as going to the Users Panel and selecting the learner you want to reset the course to. Then, in the user’s detail panel to the left, in the Courses section, from the dropdown list you can easily and immediately reset the desired course.

This feature is especially useful when, for example, a learner needs to start over, or the teacher considers it necessary for the learner to retake a course.

Note: Resetting a course deletes all user’s data (course progress, answers submitted, and scores) for that course.

Watch the webinar recording

Learn more about this release’s new features by watching the recording of the webinar held by our in-house experts.

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Magnet Release 12

Release 12

Design groundbreaking digital learning experiences with highly personalised learning paths – automatically generated based on individual user input, thanks to the new adaptive course feature.

Latest Features

Powerful new adaptive course feature

Avallain Magnet Release 12 introduces a groundbreaking feature in eLearning, taking the potential for personalisation of learning experiences to an even higher level than ever before. 

Thanks to the extensive development of a powerful set of tools, Avallain Magnet Release 12 enables you to create sophisticated adaptive learning paths. With this new feature, you can deliver courses which automatically and individually adapt according to the input of a user as they take the course. 

For example, a simple language placement test may adapt if the user scores very well for a certain level of question and forward the user to a harder group of questions. Alternatively, if the student doesn’t reach a certain score, they could be forwarded to a simpler set of questions to better determine strengths and weaknesses.

Another example of adaptivity could be in a story-type scenario whereby a user is forwarded to the next ‘chapter’ of the story according to a response given in the previous lesson. 

Avallain Magnet provides you with no less than 4 different events, such as “User starts this course” or “User completes all contents”, and 6 different consequent actions, ranging from giving users access to all contents in a specific folder, to start a folder again, to set a user’s level, and more. With this you can provide your audiences with learning experiences that reach an unmatched level of engagement and motivation.

In order to provide Organisation Admins (ORG Admins) with an intuitive process to efficiently build adaptive learning paths, we have integrated all the new functionality within your Magnet Administration under the same principles of usability and agility of work that it has always used. 

In this way, ORG Admins can easily create and edit special rules to be applied to each properly structured course, with which users will seamlessly experience all the learning customisation power of adaptive courses. 

This means that ORG Admins can simply choose “Adaptive” as a new option for Course Progression, and then configure special rules for each module in this course. In order to learn all about it, please make sure to watch the webinar of this release, contact our Customer Success team via the Live Chat widget, or refer to the User Guide. When you search for “Adaptive” in the User Guide, you will find a comprehensive step-by-step guide. So that you can design exactly the adaptive learning paths that you want for your target audiences.

As of Avallain Magnet Release 12, and in order to further facilitate navigation within the interface for Teachers and Teacher Admins, it is now possible to jump directly from the Users page to a student’s gradebook. 

In the User panel, in the section called Courses, you can now easily find a direct link to the corresponding gradebook for each course, further streamlining the user experience for Teachers and Teacher Admins. 

New Course and Contents reports

In addition to the information available on student performance in each course and content, neatly displayed on the platform, ORG Admins can now download reports in CSV format at course and content level, in the same way as at institution level. In this way, such data can be conveniently accessed and processed outside the platform, should it be needed for learning management processes.

To do this, a new option can be found in Magnet Administration, in the Reports option in the side menu. Conveniently, as with institutions reports, a filter can be used to quickly and easily locate the course from which the report is to be obtained. 

These new types of reports enable ORG Admins to see more detailed information regarding individual courses in their organisation. The reports include precise data of each student such as the user name, email, time taken to complete the course in seconds, and even more specific data like the maximum number of points available for the LO or the activity, and the number of points obtained by the user. 

Watch the webinar recording

Learn more about this release’s new features by watching the recording of the webinar held by our in-house experts.

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